FPM submits electoral law based on 'Orthodox law' with 'additions'

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil announced Monday on the X platform that the FPM has submitted “a draft electoral law based on the Orthodox (Gathering) law with additions,” referring to a controversial 2013 proposal that calls for each sect to elect its own MPs under a proportional representation system based on a nationwide district.
“This is how the debate should start: respecting the National Pact,” Bassil added.
“Either a sectarian system with actual and not superficial equal power-sharing or a fully secular system for all aspects of common life,” the FPM chief went on to say.
“Abolishing political sectarianism alone is an abolishment of Lebanon. This is the Taif Agreement -- implement it in full along with decentralization,” Bassil added.
Bassil’s remarks come after the parliamentary committees on Monday started discussing a number of proposed electoral laws.
The Amal Movement has proposed a bill amending the current electoral law to include two instead of one preferential vote, a move seen by Christian parties as an attempt to favor sects who have bigger numbers of voters.

Any electoral law that is not based on the "One man One Vote" and winner takes all is a scam to get the same warlords/mafia and their cronies reelected gain.
Each Governorate, down it Qada,down to local towns should have candidates running and let them propose to their constituents why they should be elected. Provide their manifesto and their vision and their constituents vote.
This stupid proportional representation is another scam. The "listas" that includes a bunch of unknowns that nobody votes for end being MPs simply because that list had more votes than the other is another fraud perpetrated on the Lebanese electorate.
Otherwise you will end up with almost 90% of these current same MPs.

The National Pact was an agreement between some Christian politicians, so-called, in Lebanon, on the one hand, and the US and France, on the other, to maintain racism in Lebanon so that Israel's racism was somehow justified by its neighbor's racism. “'This is how the debate should start: respecting the National Pact,' Bassil added.
“'Either a sectarian system with actual and not superficial equal power-sharing or a fully secular system for all aspects of common life,' the FPM chief went on to say."
He's stated the alternative before, abandoning sectarianism. Listen up, people!