Salam urges security measures to assert that state controls war and peace decisions


Prime Minister Nawaf Salam called Defense Minister Michel Menassa on Saturday, after three rockets were fired at Israel from south Lebanon, stressing “the need to take all the necessary security and military measures to assert that the state alone takes the decisions of war and peace.”

Salam also warned against a renewal of military operations on the southern border, saying that “carries a risk to drag the country into a new war that would bring tragedies for Lebanon and the Lebanese.”

Moreover, the premier held phone talks with U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, calling on the U.N. to “double international pressure on Israel to fully withdraw from Lebanese territory, seeing as this occupation violates Resolution 1701 and the arrangements related to the cessation of hostilities that was approved by the previous government in November and Lebanon is committed to.”

Comments 1
Missing phillipo 22 March 2025, 10:16

Did the PM ask the Defence Minister why the LAF has not deployed along the whole of the southern border and why it has not disarmed Hizballah? If not, why not? If yes, what was the response?