Blinken says no one wants war but there's 'momentum' for one


None of the main actors on the Lebanese-Israeli front actually wants a war, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.

“Israel doesn’t want a war, although they may be well-prepared to engage in one if necessary … but they don’t want one,” Blinken said.

“I don’t believe Hezbollah actually wants a war. Lebanon certainly doesn’t want a war, because it would be the leading victim in such a war, and I don’t believe that Iran wants a war,” Blinken added.

“On the one hand, no one actually wants a war. On the other hand, you have forces, momentum that may be leading in that direction, which we are determined to try to arrest,” the top U.S. diplomat went on to say.

Comments 1
Missing 1948 02 July 2024, 17:37

The Israeli American secretary of state, should have reviewed the various terrorist Israeli officials comments and threats, before making such ignorant statement.