Hezbollah moves to repair homes damaged by Israeli shelling

Hezbollah has announced that it will help residents repair their homes in the southern towns that witnessed Israeli shelling in recent days.
“The brutal Israeli aggression against south Lebanon over the past days led to the damage of a number of homes, shops, cars and other properties, especially in the towns of al-Dhayra, Marwahin and Yarin,” Hezbollah said in a statement.
Hezbollah has “dispatched specialist engineers to inspect the damages so that compensations be paid to the owners, in the first step toward launching the reconstruction process,” the statement added.
“This first step was welcomed by the residents, who stressed their support for the resistance and its fighters in defending them and confronting any Israeli aggression against Lebanon, thanking the resistance’s leadership that has stood and is still standing by them in the various situations and circumstances,” the statement said.

THE BIG LIE is that Hizbollah liberated Lebanon, protected borders & improved Shia’s life. Nothing further from truth. Lebanon has never been less secure, less independent with porous borders, a beggar nation with no respect, relevance or dignity. Hizb is the biggest curse on Shia creating misery and insecurity, enslaving Lebanon to Basij barbarism. As to compensation, Hizb and bought media are still duping its supporters and puppets. Hizb political risk caused high interests that dried up investment, destroyed Lebanese economy and reputation, caused a brain drain and exodus of foreign firms and tourists. In 2005 we had 8% growth. Hizb 2006 War, Hariri/M14 assassinations and Duo blocking parliament & Downtown Beirut destroyed our economy and reduced growth to zero causing losses in the hundreds of billion. Will Hizb compensate Lebanese? Only 6% growth transformed China and Turkey in a decade. Negative growth is making us worse than Somalia. Wake up!