Bassil refuses Army chief, says Christian consensus just 'the beginning'


Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil has said that neither his party nor the defiance and opposition forces can secure the needed votes for their presidential candidate.

"The only way is consensus," Bassil said in a televised interview, after lawmakers failed last week for a 12th time to elect a new president.

"No camp can impose its candidate on the other camp," Bassil added, as he suggested a direct election in which people vote directly for the president.

Last week's vote, like the previous 11 attempts, was likely a way for political forces to gauge their respective electoral weight but no candidate was expected to become president.

Financial official Jihad Azour garnered 59 votes and Marada leader Suleiman Franjieh 51.

Bassil said the FPM will take action against the MPs who violated the party's decision to support Azour.

The FPM, an ally of Hezbollah, reached a presidential agreement with the opposition forces --including the Lebanese Forces, the Kataeb party and the Tajaddod bloc -- on Azour against Franjieh, the Shiite Duo's candidate.

"The current Christian consensus is the beginning, we will do more in the future," Bassil said, adding that the inter-Christian understanding is a priority and would close the door on external interference.

Bassil revealed that the name of Army chief Gen. Joseph Aoun was proposed during his meeting with Qataris and French officials and during his visit to the Vatican.

"But I will not accept to be part of a doomed presidential project," Bassil said.

Bassil considered that Hezbollah should not be mad that the FPM is refusing to support Franjieh.

"I can't believe that what we've built in 17 years is being destroyed in a month," Bassil said, as he stated that he is still betting on the rationality of Hezbollah to put Lebanon's interest above all else.

Comments 5
Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2023, 14:37

Ladies and Gentlemen: Today you have just listened to the future president of Lebanon. Learn people, learn!"

Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2023, 14:38

"libanaisresilient 4 hours ago
Long live Bassil the future President of Lebanese republic!"

Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2023, 14:38

"constantine 12 minutes ago
Allah yi7meek President Bassil"

Thumb 20 June 2023, 14:47

J’en ai marre des parvenus !

Missing rabiosa 20 June 2023, 17:01

"Bassil added, as he suggested a direct election in which people vote directly for the president."

I have been calling for the direct election by the people voting.

Anyone that is eligible should be file paperwork to run as a candidate and meeting a specific deadline where candidates must submit their paperwork. If they miss it they won't be on the ballot.

Interiro Ministry will print paper ballots with all official candidates names and photos is needed with a check box next teach.

People go vote on election day by checking the favorite candidate.

Winner must garner more than 50% of al votes

If non has, then the top 2 vote getters, go into a run off and may the best candidate win.
