Franjieh supporters expect his election after Arab Summit


The political parties that support Suleiman Franjieh’s presidential nomination are “very relieved” over the latest developments, a media report said on Thursday.

Speaker Nabih Berri has “publicly expressed this relief,” al-Akhbar newspaper reported.

“It is based on a host of indications linked to the Saudi efforts,” the daily added.

“Franjieh’s election as president is expected to take place after the Arab Summit, specifically between May 20 and June 15, as a reflection of the calm regional atmosphere that is expected to be achieved by the Summit after the latest regional reconciliations,” the pro-Franjieh sources expected.

Comments 2
Thumb gebran_sons 18 May 2023, 23:15

Quick Time Lapse:
1. Rafiq Hariri Rebuild Lebanon
2. Revolutionary Guards destroy Iran
3. Guards sent its Foreign Legion Hizbollah to invade Lebanon
4. Hizbollah assassinate Hariri, set up political mafia & Useful idiots
5. Cedar Revolution Kicks out Assad Army & send Hizb to tribunal
6. Aoun sells Lebanon to criminal Hizb for 30 pieces of silver
7. Frangieh selling our dignity and future to Assad/Iran/Political mafia
8. Frangieh is worse committing Grand Treason while Lebanon dying

Thumb Mystic 19 May 2023, 09:31

Your own invented fantasy time lapse.