Report: Hezbollah seeking to convince FPM not to vote for anyone
Hezbollah is confident of its ability to secure Suleiman Franjieh’s election any voting session that might be held, a media report said.
“It is pressing to neutralize the Aounist Movement’s bloc by offering it guarantees that it will be influential in the coming period,” Annahar newspaper reported.
“Hezbollah is trying to sway the FPM, not into electing Franjieh but rather into not electing any of his competitors,” the daily added.
The report comes on the eve of a meeting in Sin el-Fil between Hezbollah liaison and coordination officer Wafiq Safa and FPM chief Jebran Bassil.
The revelation that Hezbollah assumes the role of the puppeteer in the given scenario adds a significant layer of understanding to the dynamics at play. With this knowledge in hand, the focus shifts towards comprehending Hezbollah's specific end game and how it aligns with the already bankrupt and devastated state of the country. Understanding their goals within the context of a bankrupt and destroyed nation allows us to explore potential rationales for their actions.