French presidential initiative faces domestic, American opposition


Saudis are still taking their time before giving a final decision regarding the election of Marada leader Suleiman Franjieh, ad-Diyar newspaper said.

The daily added Tuesday that the Americans, for their part, do not prefer the election of Franjieh, and are not supportive of the French deal involving the election of Franjieh as president and the appointment of Nawaf Salam as premier.

In addition to the U.S. opposition, France is facing Lebanese domestic obstacles, as the two largest Christian parties are also opposing the election of Franjieh, while Hezbollah is refusing to discuss any other names.

A session that would elect Franjieh might be obstructed due to lack of quorum, especially after Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea clearly announced that his bloc would boycott such a session.

Comments 1
Missing rabiosa 25 April 2023, 17:31

When can the French the fuck off already. For god's sake even some African countries kicked them out from their land. Why can' the Lubnaniyeh do the same.