Ibrahim to launch presidential talks after holidays


General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim will hold meetings over the presidential crisis after the holidays, a media report said on Thursday.

“He will not be carrying any initiative but will rather try to bridge differences and reach a common vision,” ad-Diyar newspaper reported, adding that his contacts “will involve all parties without exception in light of his good ties with everyone.”

Ibrahim has put Speaker Nabih Berri in the picture of what he intends to do, the daily added.

“Ibrahim’s move stems from his keenness on speeding up the election of a president in order to halt the bleeding in the country and prevent collapse in all institutions,” ad-Diyar said.

Comments 2
Missing rabiosa 30 December 2022, 14:05

Is this guy actually General security Cheif of a mediator In Chief. All he does is mediate

Thumb i.report 30 December 2022, 20:41

Word of the day

collapse (v.)

1732, "fall together, fall into an irregular mass through loss of support or rigidity," from Latin collapsus, past participle of collabi "fall together," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see com-) + labi "to fall, slip" (see lapse (n.)).

Figurative sense of "come to nothing, fail" is from 1801. Transitive sense "cause to collapse" is from 1883. The adjective collapsed is attested from c. 1600, originally of groups of persons, "fallen from a spiritual or religious state," perhaps from co- + lapsed. Related: Collapsing.