Aoun: Suleiman, Miqati are Violating Our Rights in Administrative Appointments

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun criticized on Tuesday President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s practices, saying that they are violating the Change and Reform bloc ministers’ efforts to exercise the rights they have been granted by the constitution.

He said after the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting: “Suleiman and Miqati are violating our rights in the administrative appointments.”

“Suleiman does not have any privileges and he has no right to make any suggestions at cabinet … as he has no popular representation,” he added.

The president and prime minister are complicit in working against the FPM and “preventing us from reaching the highest ranks in power”, declared the MP.

Last week, Prime Minister Najib Miqati suspended a cabinet session at the Baabda Palace over an ongoing dispute over the issue of administrative appointments.

The suspension was prompted when FPM ministers walked out from the session.

“We wanted the president to play the role of referee between the rival political camps, but he ended up taking sides in the dispute,” Aoun remarked.

“They claim that we do not respect the president. We don’t care if the government remains or if it is overthrown. We will no longer accept mediations to end the crisis,” he stressed.

He added that the constitution obligates Miqati to call cabinet to session, revealing that the Change and Reform ministers would attend the session.

Addressing European countries’ recalling of ambassadors from Syria, he noted: “They were working against Syrian President Bashar Assad and now he is relieved of them.”

  • 07 February 2012, 17:23

    Aoun on the recall of ambassadors from Damascus: They were working against Syrian President Assad and now he is relieved of them.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:21

    Aoun: They want to force the labor minister to sign unconstitutional decrees. Our call for demonstrations still stands.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:21

    Aoun: We will take part in cabinet if the prime minister called it to session. We will approve the wage hike decree during the first government session.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:21

    Aoun: The complicity between the president and prime minister has obstructed state functioning in order to prevent us from assuming the highest ranks in state.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:19

    Aoun on claims that cabinet sessions have been suspended in order to avoid renewing the STL cooperation protocol: I refuse to be portrayed as the devil.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:17

    Aoun: We can stage demonstrations at the Grand Serail or the presidential palace. Only I decide where they will be held.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:16

    Aoun: We will not accept accusations that we are not respecting the president. It doesn’t matter if the government remains or if it is toppled.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:16

    Aoun: If the constitution does not designate the rights of officials, then how can they govern the country? People have moral principles and their rights are determined according to legal standards.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:13

    Aoun: President Michel Suleiman has violated the constitution and Premier Najib Miqati should call cabinet to session according to article 62 of the constitution.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:12

    Aoun: The president decided to suspend cabinet sessions in order to acquire a new minister and therefore gain a blocking minority in government.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:11

    Aoun: The president and prime minister have prevented us from exercising our constitutional rights. The president has no privileges.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:08

    Aoun: Cabinet is responsible for the state appointments. We wanted the president to play the role of referee between the rival political camps, but he has instead decided to take sides in the dispute.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:06

    Aoun: Who are the distributors of diesel fuel? What is the Ministry of Economy’s role in safeguarding the rights of consumers?

  • 07 February 2012, 17:05

    Aoun: Would the diesel crisis have emerged if they had saved some of the fuel since mid-January? Let parliament convene to approve a law that would halt the monopolization of diesel.

  • 07 February 2012, 17:03

    FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after Change and Reform bloc weekly meeting: The state has not been approved since 2011. No decision has been taken despite the budget committee meeting four times this year.

Comments 34
Thumb geha 07 February 2012, 17:12

it is clear they are nervous they got caught with the red diesel scam :)

Thumb geha 07 February 2012, 17:18

isn't the the one who was threatening to resign several times? :)

Default-user-icon george m (Guest) 07 February 2012, 17:18

They need money for the 2013 elections, what better than steal from the government and the people. Change and reform, loool!

Default-user-icon "Aoun's a tool" (Guest) 07 February 2012, 17:26

"Aoun: The president decided to suspend cabinet sessions in order to acquire a new minister and therefore gain a blocking minority in government."..

..does this mean that at least one of "your" ministers will jump ship and go to Sleiman's side after realizing how crazy you really are?

Default-user-icon 4G (Guest) 07 February 2012, 17:38

Lance Corporal Michel Aoun should stop the gibbering and start acting responsibly .He's diatribe is shameful and embarrassing.He's constantly contradicting himself, unfortunately he has become morally and politicaly bankrupt he should just move on.He's become tedious.

Default-user-icon majd (Guest) 07 February 2012, 17:43

The filthy habalkamel will soon write something idiotic he "thinks" is clever, he might have already. The poor mentally retarded dear had damaged his own brain beyond repair by repeatedly smashing his own head with an iron rod, factor in the fact that he was not supplied with much to begin with and you get a hairy creature peeing on himself and flinging his own feces at his brothers.

Default-user-icon eddge (Guest) 07 February 2012, 18:08

he will never change lowed voice and loads of complains what a life ....the difference that now no embassy will receive him

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 07 February 2012, 18:10

he is a successful businessman: the general is maximising his profits due to the quality of people supporting him.
he is buying cheap from these people and selling high to hizb,el shater ma ymout, el atra al mjadib.

Missing joseph 07 February 2012, 18:12

take a xanax old man. better yet, don't take anything! you look good with your temper tantrum

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 07 February 2012, 18:26

Every Tuesday the psycho circus comes to town. Very true geha, they did get caught in the red diesel scam. That is why no one will trust them with electricity money.

He wears orange now, but his final clothing will be a white robe that ties in the back. It won't be long. Blue pill in the moning, and a green pill at night. Everything is fine now. Night Night Michel.

Default-user-icon inside out (Guest) 07 February 2012, 18:33

Missing allouchi 07 February 2012, 18:36

I still can't beleive this senile little man still has any followers!!!

Missing allouchi 07 February 2012, 18:43

Blower, your obviously one of his followers ...LOL

Default-user-icon comedy hour (Guest) 07 February 2012, 19:01

yeah he has them every tuesday from rabieh.

Thumb jabal10452 07 February 2012, 20:26

ya dellééé... khéouét bel marra ya 7aram...

Thumb shab 07 February 2012, 21:16

"Everyone is against me"

Missing youssefhaddad 07 February 2012, 21:40

The circus is open today, starring Aoun and Nassrallah .

Missing startrip 07 February 2012, 22:08

It is fascinating to me that idiots like Aoun-the-Clown and his numbnuts son-in-law have managed to hoard so much power over a segment of the population. Absolutely fascinating!

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 07 February 2012, 22:10

Aoun in his infinite wisdom cares more about appointing his puppets than the Lebanese government actually doing anything useful. How is the peace in Syria that you predicted going?

Thumb joesikemrex 08 February 2012, 02:47

Shut up! Funny Pyjama Man

Thumb joesikemrex 08 February 2012, 02:49

Funny Mad old man

Missing elielebnan 08 February 2012, 03:00

Ridiculously Funny Mad Old Man :-)

Thumb Chupachups 08 February 2012, 04:49

Ridiculously and Hilariously Funny Mad Old Man with Dementia.

Thumb jabalamel 08 February 2012, 04:51

every tuesday is a special day in a life of a zionist media terrorist. they all gather in their department and have weekly reminder about what they think aoun did wrong in the past.

than they remember how much they hate him for being friend of our glorious resistance and than they log in to naharnet comments section and spill huge amount of hate.

Missing peace 08 February 2012, 13:49

jabelahbal the zionist agent has spoken....

Missing enough05 08 February 2012, 05:40

you are an idiot sir and thank you

Missing people-power 08 February 2012, 06:10

Too funny..... "The President and Prime Minister are violating my rights" (paraphrasing).

Default-user-icon Chich (Guest) 08 February 2012, 07:36

another word to desicribe him KHERFEN! w sohro mini-me

Default-user-icon Enough (Guest) 08 February 2012, 07:46

“Suleiman does not have any privileges and he has no right to make any suggestions at cabinet … as he has no popular representation

What an insult, coming from Aoun :-)

Aoun is such a puppet, you can almost see the strings.

Default-user-icon LebEXPAT (Guest) 08 February 2012, 09:51

Aoun: We can stage demonstrations at the Grand Serail or the presidential palace. Only I decide where they will be held...
Stupid Fool, the only thing u get to decide is when to go to the toilet, your master Hassouna made it clear yesterday that he decides what happens in the SHUT UP

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 08 February 2012, 10:12

LOOOOL ... funniest part is to go through the timeline and notice how CLAoun remembers every three minutes that HE IS GOD! and goes on a tantrum ... ONLY I decide ... ONLY I know ... ONLY I can tell ...
I just hope that it is not Only U who will start running away when your fantasy politics game ends! take your idiotic son-in-"low" and ur supporters with u!

Missing peace 08 February 2012, 13:48

funny guy! since he came back from france and made a deal with syria to never ally with M14 he s been talking only of his rights violated!
everyone is against him!

i guess even martians are plotting against this poor little fellow....

Thumb jabalamel 08 February 2012, 15:10

he filthy zionist media terrorists decided to step up with the campaign against aoun, but they couldn't put as much posts as they wanted because they had bigger priority: our glorious resistance leader had speech so they had to concentrate on him

Missing jimbei 08 February 2012, 17:44

Every tuesday, Aoun ridicules himself more and more. He has clearly demonstrated that he has no knowledge whatsoever when it comes to the constitution and the legal dimension of the issues that are being discussed...
Why does he still have followers? totally incomprehensible...