Raad: Lebanese are masters of their country and its policies

Hezbollah MP Mohammed Raad has said that the Lebanese are the masters of their country.
"We are the ones who decide on our policies in a way that serves the interests of our children and our future generations," Raad said. "We do not choose our policies based on programs that the black chambers prepare for us," he went on to say.
Raad stressed that Israel will not succeed in subjugating the region and that betting on it is "futile." He added that "the Israeli enemy has no place in our region."
Raad's statement comes a day after the United States and Saudi Arabia called the Lebanese to form a government that ensures that "Lebanon does not become a launching point for terrorists, drug smuggling, or other criminal activities that threaten the stability and security of the region."

LOL, Hizbollah, Iran's foreign legion is enemy No 1 for Lebanon's freedom, civility and democracy. Never been more weaker, destitute, less independent, a beggar nation since HizbIran took over with help of FPM Useful Idiots.

And for a moment there, last week, "we" thought he had turned a new leaf towards clearly speaking the truth, however distasteful ..
This is the Raad free Lebanese know and think of poorly.
"Resistance", in all its forms, is a lie.

The Lebanese are masters of their country and its policies.
Where as Mohammed Raad, Hassan Nasrallah and all the rest in Hezbollah insist they are not masters of their anything:
عندما نأخذ القرار، أو نمشي في أي درب، أو ندخل إلى أي ساحة، أو إلى أي ميدان أو إلى أي قتال، نحن لا نلجأ إلى عقولنا، ولا إلى علومنا ولا إلى مستوانا العلمي، ولا إلى ولا إلى, نحن نلجأ إلى فقهائنا وكبارنا ومراجعنا، الذين هم على أعلى مستوى من الفقاهة والعلم والاجتهاد والتقوى والورع والأمانة والوعي أيضا .هذا كان التزامنا بالإمام، وهذا التزامنا بعد الإمام رضوان الله تعالى عليه، بسماحة الإمام القائد آية الله العظمى السيد علي الخامنئي”
حسن نصرالله ١١/١١/٢٠١٣