Hariri Denies Scolding Mufti for 'Siding with Saniora'


Former prime minister Saad Hariri on Tuesday denied a media report claiming that he has sent an admonishing message to Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan over his “siding with” ex-PM Fouad Saniora in his endeavor to “inherit the House of Hariri and al-Mustaqbal Movement.”

“In line with its habit of fabricating news, al-Akhbar newspaper today published a report that is full of lies about what it called ‘an admonishing message from Hariri to the Grand Mufti,’” Hariri’s press office said in a statement.

“The Office reiterates that the mere publishing of this report in al-Akhbar makes it a flagrant fallacy,” it added.

Comments 1
Thumb galaxy 15 March 2022, 15:00

"ex-PM Fouad Saniora in his endeavor to “inherit the House of Hariri and al-Mustaqbal Movement.”

There is nothing to inherit! You and your useless party are morally and financially bankrupt and you should be relegated to the dumpster of history.