STL Trial Chamber Decides to Try Accused in Absentia

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Trial Chamber of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon has decided to try the four men accused in the 2005 assassination of ex-premier Rafik Hariri in absentia, the STL said on Wednesday in a statement.

“The Trial Chamber examined numerous documents from the Tribunal's Prosecutor (Daniel Bellemare) and the Lebanese Prosecutor-General (Saeed Mirza), which detail the steps taken by the Lebanese authorities to apprehend the accused and inform them about the proceedings,” the Hague-based court said.

“These efforts included multiple attempts by the Lebanese authorities to find the accused at their last known residences, places of employment, family homes and other locations. The Trial Chamber also took into consideration the fact that the indictment and the identities of the accused received massive publicity in Lebanon,” the tribunal noted.

It said the Trial Chamber concluded that all “reasonable steps” had been taken to secure the appearance of the accused and to notify them of the charges against them.

While the STL is the only international tribunal that can prosecute accused in their absence, “it is a measure of last resort to ensure that the pursuit of justice is not paralyzed by those who choose to abscond,” the court clarified.

Comments 8
Missing allouchi 01 February 2012, 21:27

Good deal. I hope more damning evidence against Hizboulla and allies will come to light.

Thumb jabalamel 01 February 2012, 21:44

the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate that circus of trial will change anything

Default-user-icon Toujo (Guest) 01 February 2012, 22:27

They will also hang them in absentia and then the farce will end in absentia. Afterward, Hariri Mafia & Co. will celebrate in absentia.

Default-user-icon LebExile (Guest) 01 February 2012, 23:02

jabalhabel finds a 6 year investigation by leading forensic experts from around the world is a circus, but a 15 minute investigation in Damascus where the guilty party is identified with an hour is top notch detective work!

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 01 February 2012, 23:07

Expose the Ayatollah, Nassy and Bashar and the psychotic masterminds of the killing.

Default-user-icon Presnto d'Absentia (Guest) 02 February 2012, 05:06

Try whoever, in absentia. Then, hang them, in absentia. Then, close shop, in absentia. We thank you for nothing, in absentia.

Default-user-icon bouzik (Guest) 02 February 2012, 08:30

dear Jabalamel,
plz man or whatever u r, i beg u to change that " the filthy zionist information war department "
man really, no hard feeling but didn't u get bored of it?
find something new!
r u an automatic reply machine or something?

dear slash,

i like u man :) whenever i see cookie righting down something, i wait for ur replies :)

Thumb jabalamel 02 February 2012, 16:58

nerds from filthy zionist information war department is calling each other dear and are raising morale to each other.