Aoun Says Corrupt Politicians Must be Named

President Michel Aoun said on Saturday that naming the corrupt in person is the first real step towards fighting corruption in Lebanon.
“The first genuine step towards fighting corruption is by naming the corrupt and distinctly referring to them,” said Aoun in remarks on Twitter.
Generalizing accusations of corruption without specifying the person in question “only serves the corrupt and misleads the public opinion,” added Aoun.

Nepotism is considered by all civilized nation as highest level of political corruption, not our Useful Idiot who sold Lebanon to HizbIran for 30 pieces of silver for personal benefit fully knowing the consequences ushering the road to hell for millions of Lebanese. He should rot in prison for minimum Justice to the millions of his victims. As to the other criminal Bassil, the stollen money from EDL could have built totally renewable and free energy in Lebanon from solar and wind on mountain tops and offshore wind on Tripoli's island.

This guy lives in a different planet and has amnesia.
The degree of indecency is unbelievable.

“فخامة الرئيس يا ريت ورتت بستان جدك وما عملت رئيس جمهورية”
“بتبقى انت الحلم، والحلم ما بيشيخ”
الله يحميك
بي الكل
A fearless man - A real leader - A true statesman

٨٦ سنة كرامة و عزة و شموخ
٨٦ سنة وطنية و تحدي و صمود
٨٦ سنة نضال و محاربة و مقاومة
ينعاد عليك يا جبل شامخ بوج الريح
ينعاد عليك يا أجمل حلم نزرع فينا لنبقى مكملين
معك مبارح ، اليوم و بكرا و حتى الرمق الأخير
بحبك تتخلص الدني....
"الكرامة لا تشيخ"... لأنك كرامتنا"

No Aoun, this is a time consuming practice, the list will be much shorter if you name the government officials who are not corrupt.

Time for you to go away and meet your grandpa old man. Tell him all about how much you'd wished to inherit his grove. He can take you to the Garden of Eden and introduce you to the snake. You have so much in common with it.

The lawyers will be happy. A tsunami of cases involving "defamation" will come for sure...

As the saying goes, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Maybe he should start by cleaning up his own house first instead of trying to save the legacy of his presidency with empty meaningless gestures. ACTIONS are needed like starting over and maybe giving EVERYONE lie detector tests for starters.

Much easier for him to name those that are not corrupt. Save time.