Attempt to Refloat Ship Blocking Suez Canal Fails

An attempt Friday to refloat a giant container ship blocking Egypt's Suez Canal has failed, the vessel's managers said.
"Another attempt to refloat the vessel earlier today... was not successful," the Singapore-based Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement said in a statement, referring to the MV Ever Given, which has been wedged diagonally across the entire canal since Tuesday, shutting the waterway in both directions.

From an engineering perspective, unblocking the canal is easy and can be quickly achieved. On an aerial draw perpendicular lines to ship axis from both ends of the ship. Where these perpendicular lines meet the ground, hammer down piles and a concrete foundation on both sides of the canal opposing the stuck ends of the boat. Fix a pully on these concrete ends. Tie both end of the boat to these opposing pulleys across the canal and have massive tractor pull at the same time on both ends. This will rotate the ship around its center freeing it from the sand dunes.