Jumblat Criticizes Advocates of 'Old Pact' and 'New Norm'


Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat on Friday issued warnings to the feuding political camps that are bickering over the finance ministerial portfolio.

“Very soon, the advocates of the old pact and the advocates of the new norm will realize that there is no money at the treasury,” Jumblat tweeted, apparently referring to a grouping of Sunni ex-PMs and to the country’s two biggest Shiite parties -- Hizbullah and Amal.

They will also discover that “Beirut port has died and moved to (the Israeli ports of) Ahsdod and Asqalan and that the Gulf pipelines will replace IPC and TAPLINE,” Jumblat added.

“All the rockets and multiple rocket launchers of sectarianism, whichever side they come from, will not protect Lebanon,” the PSP leader warned, voicing concern that Greater Lebanon might soon “die.”

Comments 6
Thumb ansarullah 18 September 2020, 20:52

Shia Shia Shia !!!

Missing womendoc 18 September 2020, 21:36

Greater Lebanon is already dead!

Default-user-icon Joseph Hitti (Guest) 19 September 2020, 08:12

Does anyone in Lebanon find a contradiction between a "progressive" and "Socialist" leader who lives like a feudal lord in a castle, ruling over a herd of bearded neanderthals wearing bouffant pantaloons, having inherited his leadership from his father and bequeathed it to his son? I am always stunned by how 99% of Lebanon's Socialists are of the Druze sect, and how "resistance" to Israel is a monopoly of the Shiite sect. Are there no Socialists among the Christians or the Sunnis? Why aren't Aoun and Bassil, ardent defenders of the "Resistance" not enrolling their sun-tanned Christian beachgoers in Hezbollah's ranks, carrying its weapons, and fighting Israel in the South and ISIS in Syria? If they believe that Hezbollah protected Lebanon's Christians by fighting ISIS in Syria, why haven't they sent their children to fight in Syria and protect their own sect?

Missing rami 19 September 2020, 13:39

Nom: Walid
Prénom: Jumblat
Profession: coiffeur et styliste pour dames

Missing rami 19 September 2020, 15:32

Oui, j'en suis à 100% sûr.

Default-user-icon johnnabangsorensen,dk (Guest) 19 September 2020, 18:48

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