Palestinian PM Submits 'Counter-Proposal' to Trump Plan


Palestinians have submitted a response to the US Mideast plan which sees parts of the West Bank being annexed by Israel, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said Tuesday.

"We submitted a counter-proposal to the Quartet a few days ago," he said, referring to the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union.

He said that it proposed the creation of a "sovereign Palestinian state, independent and demilitarized" with "minor modifications of borders where necessary."

Comments 3
Missing phillipo 09 June 2020, 18:21

They could have done that over 20 years ago, but Arafat and then Abu Mazen refused to establish their independent state in over 90% of the West Bank.
Doing it now, with so many Israeli settlements in the area is just a complete waste of time, especially with they trying to proclaim the eastern part of the unified city of Jerusalem as their capital. They know quite well that not a single PA official or foreign ambassador to the state would be allowed to step foot in that city.

Thumb lebnanfirst 09 June 2020, 21:53

Suggest you do a more thorough review of Jerusalem’s history.

Missing phillipo 10 June 2020, 10:31

Perhaps I should, so let's start.
Who were living in Jerusalem when Jesus was born? The Jews.
Who were living in Jerusalem when Mohammed rose up to heaven on Burak? Certainly not the Moslems.
When Al-Aksa was built, it was standing on the ruins of the Jewish Temple, the Western Wall of which is still standing there.
So who exactly was in Jerusalem first?