Hariri Receives Diab

Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri received on Friday at the Center House, Prime Minister-designate Hassan Diab.
“The meeting with Prime Minister Hariri has a special flavor. Yesterday he affirmed his keenness on the country’s stability. These stances express the position of a statesman. Hopefully, there will be continuous communication and cooperation for the benefit of the country," Diab told reporters after the meeting.
He said the “atmosphere was positive with everyone,” noting that Hariri “is expressing all cooperation to form the government.”
Asked about the difficulty to persuade the international community, that considers Diab “Hizbullah candidate,” of the formation of a rescue government.
He said: “I was asked this question more than once. I stress that I am a specialist and an independent. My approach is to have a government of specialists and independents to serve this country and solve the problems.”
Whether Dar el-Fatwa, the highest religious Sunni authority, refused to give Diab an appointment, Diab noted: “Dar al-Fatwa is for everyone and hopefully after this tour there will be a meeting with the Mufti of the Republic.”

حكومة قاسم سليماني

Obviously, Kasem Suleimani plan implemented in Lebanon will be to create division between the demonstrators, have them infiltrated by thugs, make them responsible for the economic woes, put them against business owners, and finally order the army to brutally suppress them. That is why Hassan Diab is a Useful Idiot as these atrocities will be made in his name.

Professor Hassan Diab is an influential highly educated man, and he is going to do a better job than Hariri ever did.
Hariri had his chance, but he fell back and retreated, now Diab will fill in the Prime Minister shoes, and we should all look forward for a bright future, instead of negativity and whining.

You people can dream all you want. Yes you are a big percentage of Lebanon but you are not the majority.
You know of the Shia past, and yes that is the reason we have Hezbollah today. To fight the Israeli enemy and to have basic lebanese rights and not be treated as peasants by the upper class.

I will prefer living under sanctions and be on minimum wage than bow down to liberals and American bloodsuckers that treats my people as trash.
Hezbollah is here to stay, work with them or go to America and whine forever. Simple as that.
The security forces will deal with the road blockers.

Hit a nerve there @Mystic, didn't I :), what happened to your earlier smooth talk? Now the inner real @Mystic shows through clear as day. Too bad, hoped you really meant some of that sweet talk.
No Habiby, you go live in Iran if that's the lifestyle you choose. We the Lebanese will decide our country's fate.

There is no nerve to hit, I just tell it as it is.
What smooth talk?
I never hide my opinion or my support of Iran.
If Mostaqbal have the right to support Saudi Arabia, and LF and Kataeb France/Saudi and America then we have the right to support Iran aswell.

But you see, it is not about supporting foreign powers to us. It's about who can best lift our country out of its perilous situation.
Like it or not, agree or disagree, the facts remain Hizbullah's government and political philosophy got us to where we are.
Neither Iran, nor Russia or even China can lift us out of it. The likes of me don't support any country, not even the US for we know countries look after their own benefit first and foremost. Iran and US included.
We do however, recognize reality. False pride doesn't buy one bread. Never will we "support" any country against our own. You may favor any country you like but don't have the right to force it down our throat.

Instead of seeking a stabilized strong country, you seek chaos and pro israeli sentiment.
The only ones that occupies Lebanon are you liberals trying to sell it off to America for your own profit.
Hezbollah protects Lebanon with their blood, you only talk for money, weaklings.

If it isn't a classic the pot calling the kettle black. If Lebanon needs protection it is precisely from Hizbullah whose policies and falsafeh got us to where we are.

Mastica... is this a joke?
Ebola protects no one.
Ebola creates wars, and assassinations.
It is only secterian, and fights in countries where their sect is threatened. Then... for fools and sheep like yourself, they use propaganda "we saved Lebanon from Daesh"! lol
"We saved Lebanon from Israel". Pure propaganda. If they were useful, they would "resist" and try to liberate Shebaa! But they are cowards. And useless.

Yes I do. Pierre Gemayel was clean, Gebran Tueini was clean, and many others too...
No one asked Ebola to execute those who bothered THEM!
What kind of BS is this resilient!!?