In Beirut, Ban Slams Israel Violations, Calls for Disarming Hizbullah

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U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday said he was "deeply concerned" about the military prowess of Hizbullah and noted that the frequent Israeli violations of Lebanon’s territory and airspace continue to undermine UNIFIL’s credibility and Lebanon’s sovereignty.

"I am deeply concerned about the military capacity of Hizbullah and also concerned about the lack of progress in disarmament," the U.N. chief told a news conference after holding talks with Lebanese leaders.

"All arms outside state authority are not acceptable," he added.

Ban arrived in Beirut on Friday for talks with Lebanese leaders on the controversial U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the bloodshed in Syria and Hizbullah’s arms.

During his three-day visit, Ban is also expected to address the recent attacks against UNIFIL peacekeepers in southern Lebanon.

Several dozen people gathered in downtown Beirut on his arrival to denounce the visit and express their support for Hizbullah.

Ban is accompanied on his trip by Special Envoy for the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 Terje Roed-Larsen and U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon commander Major General Alberto Asarta.

At the press conference, Ban said he had urged President Michel Suleiman to relaunch a national dialogue started in 2006 on defining a defense strategy for the country.

Hizbullah's arsenal has been at the center of the dialogue, stalled since 2010 because of bickering between rival parties.

Ban also confirmed at the news conference that the mandate of the controversial STL that has charged four Hizbullah operatives with the 2005 assassination of ex-premier Rafiq Hariri would be extended.

He said he had discussed the matter earlier on Friday in meetings with Suleiman, Prime Minister Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri.

"How long the mandate will be extended will be (decided) in consultation with the Lebanese government and Security Council," he said.

The mandate of the Netherlands-based Special Tribunal for Lebanon expires on February 29.

Addressing the Syrian crisis, Ban said: “I have already expressed my deep gratitude to the Lebanese government for hosting Syrian refugees. I stressed that the Syrian refugees should not be repatriated to Syria and that they should be treated in a humanitarian manner.”

Asked about remarks by a top Hizbullah official that he was not welcome in Lebanon, Ban said “I’m very glad to visit Lebanon and it is normal for the secretary general who represents 193 states to be able to visit all member states and it is normal to have divergent points of view.”

During talks with Miqati at the Grand Serail, the U.N. chief stressed the importance of speeding up “strategic” dialogue between the Lebanese army and UNIFIL in order to enable the army to assume its full responsibilities in the South.

After the talks, he revealed that he would bring up the issue of the Jewish state’s violations with Israeli officials when he visits Israel.

He also stressed the importance of Israel’s withdrawal from the occupied northern part of the town of Ghajar and of controlling the security along the Lebanese border and “disarming militias.”

In addition, Ban urged Lebanon to begin investing in its offshore petroleum wealth in the areas that are not being contested with Israel.

For his part, Miqati noted that the U.N. chief’s visit is an indication of the United Nations’ keenness on Lebanon, saying that the UNIFIL force reflects the international community’s interest in Lebanon’s security and stability.

“This interest should protect Lebanon from repeated Israeli attacks,” Miqati stated.

He added however that Israel’s aggressive acts against Lebanon and the spread of its spy networks in the country hamper UNIFIL’s duties.

“Israel disregards the international resolutions and the international community’s will,” he stressed.

“Lebanon always respects its resolutions, no matter how difficult the circumstances, including those related to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon,” said the premier.

“This is not enough to guarantee Lebanon’s stability and peace, but the international community must confront Israel and force it to abide by international agreements,” stated Miqati.

He reiterated Lebanon’s commitment to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701, demanding that Israel withdraw from the occupied Shebaa Farms and northern Ghajar in line with the resolution.

The PM renewed Lebanon’s condemnation of the attacks against UNIFIL, deeming them an attack against Lebanon, its people, and security.

“Lebanon looks forward to maintaining the cooperation with the countries that are participating in the international force,” he remarked.

Furthermore, Miqati asserted Lebanon’s right to exploit the natural wealth that exists in its exclusive economic zone.

Earlier on Friday Ban held talks with President Suleiman at the Baabda Palace after which he praised Lebanon’s commitment to international agreements, especially since it is a founding member of the United Nations.

He also lauded ongoing efforts to resume the national dialogue in Lebanon as part of achieving stability in Lebanon and reaching an agreement on a defense strategy.

Suleiman meanwhile voiced Lebanon’s keenness on the safety of UNIFIL, condemning the “terrorist attacks” that have targeted them in the past year.

Later on Friday, Ban held talks with Speaker Nabih Berri in Ain el-Tineh.

On Saturday, he is scheduled to visit the U.N. peacekeeping command in the South and attend a dinner banquet thrown by Miqati in his honor at the Grand Serail.

He is also slated to attend on Sunday a two-day conference organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) on the Arab world's transition to democracy.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:37

    Ban: Amid the events in the Arab region and North Africa, a large number of refugees have surfaced and I have already expressed my deep gratitude to the government for hosting Syrian refugees. I stressed that the Syrian refugees should not be repatriated to Syria and that they should be treated in a humanitarian manner.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:35

    Ban on remarks by a Hizbullah official that he was not welcome in Lebanon: I’m very glad to visit Lebanon and it is normal for the secretary general who represents 193 states to be able to visit all member states and it is normal to have different points of view.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:30

    Ban: As you know, the tribunal’s mandate expires on March 31 and Lebanon has to extend its mandate. As to the duration, this is something to be decided in cooperation with the government and the Security Council is engaged in consultations with the government over this issue.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:29

    Ban: We’re very worried concerning Hizbullah’s military wing and we have discussed this issue very seriously. The U.N. is totally committed to removing these weapons because the presence of arms outside state control is unacceptable.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:28

    Ban: It’s time to put an end to violence and to grant our peoples the chance they need for a better future.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:27

    Ban: I encouraged the president and the premier to support the role of women and their participation in political life.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:26

    Ban: It is important for Lebanon to abide by all U.N. resolutions and Lebanon should be proud of Charles Malek’s legacy. We also stressed the need to protect the rights of the refugees.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:25

    Ban: The situation in the South has been stable since 2006 and boosting the army’s presence in that area contributed to consolidating security and UNIFIL has been taking measures, together with the relevant authorities, to preserve security. But we must exert further efforts in order to guarantee Lebanon’s sovereignty and extend it over its entire territory. That’s why no weapons must exist outside state control and I have encouraged the government and President Suleiman to relaunch national dialogue to discuss the issue of arms. I have also encouraged further cooperation with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:23

    Ban: We discussed the current situation in Syria and its repercussions on Lebanon and I’d like to thank the speaker and the premier for the role played by Lebanon at the Security Council. We call on Lebanon to abide by the U.N. resolutions, especially Resolution 1701 which ended the July 2006 war.

  • 13 January 2012, 19:22

    U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon at a press conference at Phoenicia Hotel: The United Nations has a major presence in Lebanon and we have many U.N. agencies in Lebanon and the region. We’re grateful to all the staff and their security is very crucial. The president and the prime minister voiced their commitment to protecting U.N. troops.

Comments 18
Default-user-icon imad (Guest) 13 January 2012, 19:41

the issue of arms is not of your business, condemn the zionist violation or usa did not write that in your agenda!?

Thumb Marc 13 January 2012, 20:09

Ban Ki-Moon said after holding talks with Prime Minister Najib Miqati that the Israeli violations of Lebanon’s land and airspace undermine UNIFIL’s credibility and Lebanon’s sovereignty.

He revealed that he will bring up this issue with Israeli officials when he visits the Jewish state.

Missing allouchi 13 January 2012, 20:13

The U.N Should completely take control over Lebanon, Forcefully collect all weapons Outside the Government, Re-organize the military and government to insure transparency and efficiency. The U.N should fully and justly demark all Lebanese borders, STOP Israeli incursions in our Land, air and sea and then have fare elections and finally, safely hand over the government back to us...just a tought.

Default-user-icon imad (Guest) 13 January 2012, 21:08 Lebanese people issue, and not UN, USA nor the zionist. when the zionist state stops to a threat, then this issue is resolved.

Missing marie 13 January 2012, 22:24

yes get rid of the shit hassouni and his shit friends from aoun to berri to yazbeck & co

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 13 January 2012, 22:31

Allouchi...the UN should control all of Palestine, dismantle the Apartheid Zionist racist ethnic cleansing colonial expansionist state like the way South Africa was ended, allow the right of Return for ALL Palestinians under UN resolutions, and end the occupation of other Arab lands especially the Shebaa farms under UN resolutions...Just a thought.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 13 January 2012, 22:39

When persons criticize the Lebanese resistance and not the Israeli enemy, they are only Zionist scum.

Default-user-icon +oua nabka + (Guest) 13 January 2012, 22:57

Mr BAN you forget the 500 000 refugees in lebanon ,what is their fate according to the UN

Missing peace 13 January 2012, 23:20

how arrogant hezbi people are. they worship their weapons as if it replaces something they don t have between their legs and make them feel men...

Default-user-icon Eli in Aus (Guest) 13 January 2012, 23:54

All true Lebanese people know and agree fully with what Mr Ban is announcing. It s sheer common sense. The trick is that how do you get the cronies of Iran and Syria to realise terrorism, force,drug trafficking, and weapons are the way of a civilised nation.

Default-user-icon parasite (Guest) 14 January 2012, 01:00

Ok very good and fine..very simple..all those crying against the arms of hezbollah...come and take them away....why don't you do that instead of blah..blah..blah..and after a few days..blah..blah...and again...blah..blah..just do it already.
OOOOHHHH i FORGOT!!!!! you can't!!!!! bwahahahahahahahahaha...

Thumb Chupachups 14 January 2012, 02:09

Hezb's masters are Iranian and Syrian.

Case Closed.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 14 January 2012, 02:36

Taliban in Lubnan is what Hezbollah has been doing...Taliban gets armed from terrorist Pakistan same way Hezbollah from Iran. Both have Nukes with terrorists undermining other states. This is why you do not give a steak to a baby because he won't know what to do with it.

Default-user-icon parasite (Guest) 14 January 2012, 03:09

we are proud to be slaves of arabs than be those of hippies,pimps,druggies and pedophiles ya 'civilized' eir_guy..

Default-user-icon Falanges (Guest) 14 January 2012, 12:02

ya mfawaz......Were coming but this time there wont be no churches and schools to hide in. Keffa traitor dog

Thumb shab 14 January 2012, 13:34

Ban craps on Hassoun. "I will come, stay in your hole"

Missing sergio 14 January 2012, 16:15

to all you Hezzi worshipers Syria is going down soon Iran sees the danger wants to get engaged in dialogue with the west. that means your hassouni will be left (YATIM) & Lebanese will finally say goodbye Hassouni.

Default-user-icon True Lebnani (Guest) 14 January 2012, 17:14

all of you are full of BS. you can just sit and act tough behind a keyboard. When Lebanon gets invaded who is going to resist...YOU fagets?