Bulgaria Reportedly Foils Attack on Israelis amid Concern over Hizbullah Vengeance


Israel is concerned Hizbullah will try to attack Israelis overseas in the coming weeks and ahead of the fourth anniversary of the assassination of the party’s military commander Imad Mughniyeh, The Jerusalem Post reported.

Mughniyeh was killed in a car bombing in Syria on Feb. 12, 2008. Hizbullah has accused Israel's intelligence service Mossad of assassinating him.

“Hizbullah is believed to be actively seeking revenge for the assassination, and over the years there have been reports of a number of plots that were thwarted including an attempt to bomb the Israeli embassy in Azerbaijan,” said The Jerusalem Post.

The news report came after Israeli public television said Bulgarian authorities have foiled a bomb attack targeting a bus chartered to take Israeli tourists to a ski resort.

It said that the device was found on the bus on Tuesday.

Bulgarian troops were deployed in several ski resorts frequented by Israeli tourists after the bomb was found, the report added.

The television station's military commentator said the foiled attack could have been linked to the fourth anniversary of Mughniyeh’s assassination.

Comments 20
Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 09 January 2012, 08:48

the military industrial complex that rules usa belives that it sets the time in the worlds and can fabricate hillarious stupidities about our glorious resistance and make stupid accusations maybe small childrens only belive.

Missing marie 09 January 2012, 09:12

this is unfortunately the terrorist shit we live with, they will kill innocent people anywhere. this is the reason they will have to be destroyed and the lebanese army should hunt hassouni and habal down and hang them from the nearest tree in downtown beirut, it is the only language these shits understand

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) 09 January 2012, 09:30

jabalamel, you are brainwashed to a new low.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 09 January 2012, 09:37

the fillthy zionist information war department disguiseded as a female this time is halucinating and speaky speaky studpidities that only happen in dreams or if they are on lsd++++. We don't need to reply to their stupidities because we did in previous posts. oh, one more thing...... dream on

Default-user-icon Fadi (Guest) 09 January 2012, 11:20

that's a shemale:)

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 09 January 2012, 11:28

The killing of Mughniyeh has been executed by the Syrians in agreement with the Hezb. This is how martyrs get killed for a cause. They just need any reason to accuse Israel. If the Mossad can hit deep into Syria, and specifically someone like Mughniyeh who must have been well protected or surrounded, then now you know why Bashar was stretching his muscles on the Lebanese during the Syrian occupation, now he can't even clean his own mess.
So there is no real revenge in the air, its just to keep the hezb fighting for an in-existent cause, the rockets are rusting, and maintenance costs are high...

Thumb jabalamel 09 January 2012, 11:37

she is no lady, and she is no lebanese which she proved numerous times by blundering how little she knows about lebanon.

the so called "reports" and "sources" articles are not worth of commenting.
nasrallah once said that the revenge for mougnyeh will be great as mougnyeh himself, therefore, the blowing of some stupid bus full of tourists is not an option.

Default-user-icon sousou (Guest) 09 January 2012, 11:45

jabalamel you are simply a big K***** that is so annoying with your barking! and you and your terrorist leader will rotten in hell!

Thumb jabalamel 09 January 2012, 12:10

the filthy zionist information war department had failed to compile any profile after sweating demon's so now they just write stupidities.

Default-user-icon got you (Guest) 09 January 2012, 12:25

MartTadella aka sweating_demon....... you were not quick enough to change your avatar....LOL same sweat different smell.....!

Missing abou.ali 09 January 2012, 14:48

ya Jabalhabel (or if you want Jabalsatel)you should stop sniffing coke. Your brain is boiling. Wake up and see the reality that you are afraid to recognize. Hezbelkelab is finished as well as his patrons Bachar El-Asaad and Ahmadiboyagi...

Thumb jabalamel 09 January 2012, 14:58

the filthy zionist information war department have regular halucinations about the fall of assad regime and end of our glorious resistance.

that's because they are brainwashed on daily basis...because their bosses won't risk that one of than gets infected with thinking.

Default-user-icon Lara (Guest) 09 January 2012, 16:17

How much does the filthy iranian information war department pay you to monitor these forums and entice us with the same filth? it seems like a full time job. I reallly hope you are getting some decent salary out of it, otherwise, seriously get a barking job!

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 09 January 2012, 16:26

the filthy zionist information war department has described a fictional scenario of assad falling and consequenses of falling assad.
one of their numerous halucinations

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 09 January 2012, 16:28

oh one more thing before i forget: dream on..... hasta la vista

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 09 January 2012, 16:57

Syria killed Mouggy boy. They immediately cleansed the area of evidence.

Oh by the way everyone is still waiting to see the Mouggy report from Syria. It never seems to have been made public.

Thumb jabalamel 09 January 2012, 17:15

the filthy zionist information war department still thinks that there is iranian information war department. they think everybody is like them.

Thumb www.jabalamel.fanclub.com 09 January 2012, 18:06

the filthy zionist information war department don't understand patriotic people don't get paid for what they belive. They think everbody like them. oh one more thing, hasta la vista

Missing peace 09 January 2012, 19:22

syria and hezb killed moghniyeh like all those syria and hezb want to shut up and who participated in some killings which occured in lebanon...so as to not reveal secrets about these murders and cut loose ends...

Thumb jabalamel 09 January 2012, 20:21

the filthy zionist information war department halucinates about our glorious resistance killing it's own people, friends and allies like imad or rafiq harriri