Change and Reform Bloc: Saniora Should Be Tried for Financial Violations
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Change and Reform bloc MP Michel al-Helou revealed on Tuesday that the bloc has decided to form a committee to study the Shura Council’s rejection of the government’s wage hike decree.
He said after the bloc’s weekly meeting: “Our initial assessment has determined that the Shura Council’s decision has legal flaws.”
“I would like to point out that the Council’s decision is not binding to the government,” he stressed.
The Shura Council had rejected on Tuesday the government’s wage hike decree, which is based on Labor Minister Charbel Nahhas’ proposals on the matter.
The Change and Reform bloc meeting also addressed former Prime Minister Fouad Saniora’s “financial violations” during his tenure as finance minister.
Helou said: “The parliament should take a position from this matter and Saniora should be held accountable for his violations.”
“He should be tried before the supreme council for the trial of presidents and ministers,” added the MP.
Al-Akhbar newspaper had published a report on December 20 accusing Saniora of committing financial violations in the national lottery in 1996, “which consequently led to the squandering of LL5 billion from the state treasury.”
The former premier has committed a criminal offense and Audit Bureau should have seized his possessions because he stole public funds, explained Helou.
Furthermore, he said that the bloc is considering requesting the withdrawal of Saniora’s political immunity.
On MP Michel Aoun’s failure to hold the press conference after the Change and Reform bloc meeting, Helou said: “Such a decision is solely up to him and he may have wanted to appoint one of his lawyers because of the legal matters that were addressed in the conference.”
03 January 2012, 17:20
Helou: The constitution stipulates that two-thirds of MP votes are needed to refer his case to the supreme council for the trial of presidents and ministers.
03 January 2012, 17:16
Helou: The Change and Reform meeting did not address the presence of al-Qaida in Lebanon.
03 January 2012, 17:14
Helou: Saniora committed his violations when he was a minister and therefore we wonder if he should be tried before the supreme council for the trial of presidents and ministers. Should the charges against him force the withdrawal of his immunity?
03 January 2012, 17:12
Helou on why FPM leader MP Michel Aoun did not hold the press conference after the bloc’s weekly meeting: His decision to hold the conference is solely up to him.
03 January 2012, 17:11
Helou: The bloc has decided to form a committee to address the Shura Council’s position on the wage hike and it will later take a stand on the matter.
03 January 2012, 17:08
Change and Reform bloc MP Michel al-Helou after bloc’s weekly meeting: Parliament should take a stand from former PM Fouad Saniora’s financial violations and we will pursue this issue to the end.

Hang the thief, crook and traitor Fouad Siniora. The capos of the filthy Mafia Hariri and their Christian Sunnis will be dragged one by one to jail pending their hanging. Lebanon's spring is finally a reality. Decent Lebanese, REJOICE.

"Parliament should take a stand from former PM Fouad Saniora’s financial violations and we will pursue this issue to the end.
You, your ex-soldier, and your followers are the epidemy of spite. If you really and truly believe in what you are saying, then why did you not raise the issue with parliament when your were part of the previous government. Perhaps, your definition of violations changes according to the time you choose is fit. What a bunch of losers..... really!

Helou: The Change and Reform meeting did not address the presence of al-Qaida in Lebanon.
ufffffff........ you don't think this is a "pressing" matter!!!!!! I mean after all we are talking about terrorism here? or you already know it is a figment of your ally's imagination?

I agree we trial him... AFTER Michel Aoun gives back the millions he stole, after Nabih Berri gives back the Billions he stole, if Hezbollah opens up all their accounting books and show us their records, if Gebran Bassil explains us how he made his fortune, and if we make an audit of the state starting 1989!

totally right thepatriot!! if these people want to trial siniora , who should be trialed if ever he stole money, why don t they also ask to trial ALL those who stole money from the state then we would call it justice and not revenge!!
they just want to appear the clean ones to better hide their bad deeds !

Lets start a trial for the traitors who did the rape of Beirut and their boot licking backers in the FPM.

so they are diverting attention from his mishap on AlQaida by attacking Sanioura? The dirt under his shoes is more honourable than any or all of them combined...

instead of moving forward and changing lebanon for the better, all aoun wants to do is to keep lebanon in the past and take revenge on his enemies. MR. AOUN, you cannot change the past. you can only change the future!! Your Syrian ship is sinking.

In my opinion the lebanese should have the courage to retire all the politicians who were active before 2005 and start with a new group who are patriotic, incorruptible and ready to serve the public interests without gratifications.
This is the only way we will end up with a strong country that will be immune to external influences. I have a dream....

And your politicians should be tried for conspiracy, corruption and the failure to supply the nation with electricity including your double standard and flip flopping in the future of the Lebanese people

M8 is no good; But M14 is worst. I dislike the second a little more then the first.

Neither of you M8 and M14 bozos can probably stand me, but i will be around when I have time to waste.

oh sweating thing : keep calling me piss!! i love it!
it shows how educated you are poor little thing...
insult me again it s a typical M8 behavior showing how open to debate you are! ...
oh and explain how lots of responsible of FPM had nothing before the arrival of aoun and now they became rich? surely thanks to politics only i guess!
you are focusing on aoun but the difference with you and me is that i said (reread:) that ALL should be brought to justice if they stole! but you and you orange puppet only think of revenge (frsutration i guess) not justice as you only wish sinioura and hariri to be trialed but NEVER ask for the whole lot!
so little behavior..double M8 standards!!!!

"no, you're used to lick boots,syrian ones between 89 and 2005 and now american ones. tomorrow, who knows?"
you are confusing with aoun sweating baby!
he licked the boots of the syrians( remember when hafez el assad promised him to be president but then changed his mind triggering what aoun called a liberation war when it was only a war of revenge and anger after his former master!) then americans (he even went to the USA to do that!) remember? and now of the syrians and tomorrow, who knows?
see you have double standards!!

"i find no redeeming qualities whatsoever with M14 and its components that were interchangeable eversince the 80's"
i guess that the leader of the FPM never changed then!
calling hezbollah a terrorist party,
saying that till the assad regime is in place no good will ever come to lebanon,
saying that asking the help of the USA is not a shame and is normal,
who said that the syrian regime is a terrorist one,
who said that syria was the only responsible for the corruption in lebanon,
and so on...
i guess that aoun didn t change and is still saying all this!

sweating demon: you are speaking words of irrelevance that have no meanings or relevance. You are becoming like them. you are becoming a de-facto idiot.

here is a brief profile of sweating_demon:
1) Supports the FPM and Michele Aoun because thet are the only "sectarian" party in Lebanon!
2) Does not care about the Assad regime but is worried about minorities if the regime falls!
3) Has studied greek mythology when many of us were still in diapers!
4) He is a "perfectionist" who owns ONLY original DVD's and books!
5) He is a reformist and a change agent, but he is allied with Berri whom he accuses of stealing billions!
6) He reads and writes
7) He is a psychologist who knows people and can tell the future
and last but not least
8) He is a certified idiot

the filthy zionist information war department, losing motivation and inspiration, started to quote on star wars movies, like they understand the meaning of those statements.

Sweating_demonoid wrote:"as for berri, we all agree he's a handicap on the FPM and he's overtly on bad terms with FPM especially after aoun defeated him in jezzine. the enemy of your enemy should be your friend, RIGHT :P ? you should LOVE berri. after all, he's a mafioso like most of the M14 'elite'..."
the dogs bark and the caravan moves on!

it's obvious that fpm has courage to say what everybody knows. they have the point, and you can see this by how zionist information war department reacted defending it's allies in lebanon.
see how many posts on the subject. see the fury. hillarious

sweating demon: if you want your own fanclub you must stop arguing with them.
you just give them legitimacy and make them feel important.
when you ignore them, they will do anything to draw your attention. that's what's children and dogs do
this is why i have fan club and you just logo.

fanclub: this is not star quote from wars movie.
i know you zionists are ignorant, but you belong to special nerd forces and you should know these things.

i agree with you "when you ignore them, they will do anything to draw your attention. that's what's children and dogs do." totally with you on this one

i also agree about your comment "see how many posts on the subject. see the fury. hillarious". right on the money on this one

I also agree with you regarding your comment :"this is why i have fan club and you just logo."