Arsal Delegation Presses Miqati to Deploy Army Along Border with Syria

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A delegation from the eastern border town of Arsal visited Premier Najib Miqati on Tuesday to condemn accusations that the village is harboring al-Qaida militants.

The delegation to the Grand Serail, led by Municipal Council chief Ali al-Hujairi, urged Miqati to deploy troops near the town along the border with Syria.

Al-Hujairi also said that he will hold a meeting with Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji on Thursday.

The delegation's visit comes against the backdrop of controversy that erupted over statements made by Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn over alleged al-Qaida activity in the area.

But Ghosn issued a statement on Monday stressing that his announcement was not based on speculation. “It came as a result of information we received, which we thought was prudent to reveal to the public.”

His new remarks came amid other statements made by Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour and Interior Minister Marwan Charbel who denied the presence of terrorists or al-Qaida fighters in Lebanon.

President Michel Suleiman also said during his visit to Bkirki on Sunday that Lebanon rejects terrorism. “I am certain that no Lebanese town would harbor terrorists.”

These statements that contradicted with Ghosn’s remarks drew speculation about the integrity of the government.

Ministerial sources told An Nahar that the cabinet should have a united stance on the issue and “speak in one language.”

Political sources stressed that Arsal, which stands 15 kilometers away from the nearest border crossing with Syria, had been the area where the kidnappers of the seven Estonian tourists were operating.

“Where were the sides that are claiming about the presence of al-Qaida members in Arsal when the abductors of the Estonians were operating on the town’s border?” the sources wondered in remarks to al-Liwaa newspaper.

The tourists were kidnaped at gunpoint in March while cycling near the eastern town of Zahle.

The seven were freed unharmed in July. It is widely believed a ransom was paid for their release but the Estonian government has refused to confirm the reports.

Comments 6
Thumb jabalamel 27 December 2011, 15:05

the normal people of arsal have nothing to do with zionist spies, saudi extremists and other weapon smuggling, kidnapping garbage that may or may not hide in their village.

Thumb jabalamel 27 December 2011, 15:06

editors, sorry for posting 3 times i was clicking too much because i was thinking that it didn't catch up first time.

erase duplicates.

Default-user-icon May 7 (Guest) 27 December 2011, 15:10

Camel just pay for your electricity

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 27 December 2011, 20:53

10 months of Syrian murdering and crossing the border back and forth and Miqati has not deployed the army yet? The people of the border towns have to ask for protection?

Cacacamel......Miqati and M8 stinks as bad as you do.

Thumb jabalamel 27 December 2011, 23:59

the filthy zionist information war department is constantly repeating it's retarded joke

Missing tarator 28 December 2011, 08:57

Jabal Amel: You are the joke. Unfortunately, you are like a one-joke movie. One-joke movies are boring, repetitive and totally uncreative. Come to think of it, is this not what you are accusing your detractors of being?

Attempting to enrich your very limited vocabulary - and still more limited arguments - may solve part of the problem. Then again, this would imply that you have imagination and creativity, two rare commodities in the cheap propaganda world that you are part of. If you are representative of the propagandists working for Amel or Amal, the other camp has very little to worry about since this indicates that they've already won the propaganda war.