Mustaqbal Urges Hizbullah to Take 'Brave Decision' of Withdrawing from Syria

Al-Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc on Tuesday reiterated its call for Hizbullah to withdraw its fighters from war-torn Syria.
“Amid the developments and threats that are surrounding and lashing the region and Lebanon, the bloc renews its honest request and asks Hizbullah to take the initiative of putting Lebanon's national interest ahead of anything else through conducting a comprehensive review of its intervention in Syria,” said the bloc in a statement issued after its weekly meeting.
Hizbullah should “take the brave decision of withdrawing from Syria and returning to Lebanon,” Mustaqbal added, calling on the party to “abide by the state's conditions, approach and Constitution in a manner that leads to strengthening coexistence.”

That's what Trump, Netanyahu and Saudi-whatshisname wants him to say.

Wow, you managed to make one full single comment without sectarian slurs! Bravo. Next step in improving your life, kill yourself.

Mustaqbal Urges Hizbullah to Take 'Brave Decision' of Withdrawing from Syria
Discuss this proposal with Hezbollah during your 350th dialogue session.

gigahabib 26 January 2017
Lol, I'm probably the least frequent poster here
and no "times have not changed" since January 2017;)))

lol the heretic used to output 100 comments per day back in january now he upped his output to 300 comments per day.

Someone has to counter the dozens of Mustaqbots who do nothing but repeat each other.
What are we, two or three against thirty?

Lol, so how many of them are even active/post regularly? Look throughout the comments sections here, nothing but Mustaqbots.

"so how many of them are even active/post regularly?"
all of them are active and every day;)
or else how do you and southern get 17 votes per article?
is 'roberto' a new poster you think? is 'solution.finder' or 'sheikh.yousef' or 'salman.ade' news poster?
go troll on manar

just read into the narcissist's alias : mega and giga; he sure thinks a lot of itself.

roberto is another fake Christian paid by the iranian propaganda machine to post heart warming comments about his iranian criminal militia.

Lol, it's more convincing than when someone here calling himself "LubnaniMasih" calls Shias heretics.

Why does it hurt you when a true Christian calls you for what you really are?

It makes no theological sense for a Christian to call a Shia Muslim a heretic.
Heretic is a term used for other groups within one's own religion. Ergo, "LubnaniMasih" is a SaudiSalafist.

"Heretic is a term used for other groups within one's own religion."
No you are wrong ya heretic!

adjectif et nom
(bas latin haereticus, du grec hairetikos)
Qui professe ou soutient une hérésie religieuse.
Selon la théologie catholique, conception erronée en matière de foi d'un élément essentiel du dépôt révélé, ou refus volontaire d'admettre comme telle une vérité définie par le magistère.
So you are a Heretic.

lol @gigahabil
so when flamethrower the 'Christian' refers to rebel groups as 'takfiris' which in english means heretics he must be from the same religion as those groups? aoun himself used the term 'takfiris' so he must be a Moslem.
I am sorry to tell you but the vast majority of Christians consider you, your rituals, and your customs to be heretical that have nothing to do with any religion.

Takfiri doesn't mean heretic, it means a Muslim who accuses other of being heretics. So that term fits you all well.