RPGs, Medium Caliber Machineguns Fired at ISF as Captagon Depot Raided

An Internal Security Forces unit came under heavy gunfire Friday during a raid on a Captagon warehouse in the Baalbek neighborhood of al-Kayyal, the ISF said.
“After the Bekaa anti-drug bureau obtained information about the presence in Baalbek's al-Kayyal area of a depot containing machines, raw material and precursors for manufacturing Captagon pills, a force from the bureau raided the warehouse and came under heavy gunfire from light- and medium-caliber machineguns as well as rocket-propelled grenades, which prompted it to respond in kind,” an ISF statement said.
“The attackers eventually fled the scene as the depot was encircled with help from a Lebanese army force, Judicial Police patrols and units from the regional police department and the ISF Intelligence Branch,” the ISF added.
Around 400,000 Captagon pills were seized in the depot in addition to four truckloads of raw material, precursors, metallic heads and various types of spare parts that are used in the manufacturing of narcotic pills, the statement said.
A 51-year-old Lebanese and a 49-year-old Palestinian were arrested in the operation as a probe got underway under the supervision of the relevant judicial authorities, the ISF added.

Captagon warehouse?..... Baalbek neighborhood?..... depot containing machines?.....Internal Security Forces unit came under heavy gunfire?....... Shia?........... Resistance?........ I simply refuse to believe it... no no !

idiot, you do realize baalbek district is huge and has hundreds of towns and villages and inhabitants of all denominations?
plus the article mentions a palestinian being arrested, he would hardly fall under your sectarian classification.

anyway, regardless of sect or area, it's a job well done by the ISF, hope they get the escapees soon.

Baalbeck may have a few minorities but only the shias engage in the manufacturing of drugs, car theft, kidnappings and are protected by hezbollah. You can deny as much as you want but the facts and records show otherwise.
does it not concern you that your constant defense of the shias at every corner might tarnish your atheist and secular' image?
what a fake....

oh mowaten I must thank you for clearing this matter up. I do not live in Lebanon and I also thought that 99.99% of all crime, kidnappings, car theft, embezzlement are done by your shia. After reading your factual comment I changed my mind and I now know that Baalback, the Hermel and Brital are model urban communities.
Have you considered suicide... it will help end your miserable life.

so when nassralah refers to his followers as Ashraf Al Nass he is being sectarian?

@mowateh willingly extended his paw and got his overdue slap.... hahahaha!

It amuses me when someone who supports an exclusively sectarian militia that admittedly gets orders from the sectarian vilayet e faqih in Iran calls others sectarian.

you were right. the shia troll just appeared trying to justify and defend the heretics, exactly as you said.!

wow barrymore, i thought there was a limit to how low you could fall, but you keep surprising me.

Yes indeed mowaten, there is no limit to how low they could fall.
Sectarianism at work

Security and Judicial sources closely following the case revealed to NNA on condition of anonymity for fear for their lives, the warehouse was one of several locations owned and operated by hezbollah, the iranian backed shia terror group. Brig. General G.A of the ISF revealed startling information about the size of the operation and the quantity of the confiscated drugs. Statements obtained by the ISF from the shia operator further revealed the warehouse served as a hezbollah manufacturing center of captagon pills destined for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Hezbollah is fighting a sectarian war in Syria, Iraq and Yemen and perceives the Kingdom as its nemesis. Hezbollah is a world renown shia terror group with confirmed ties to money laundering, drug manufacturing and distribution, and human trafficking.
Source : Agence France Presse

Weapons from where? Who other than the militia carry medium size weapons...