Tueni: Uprising Against Corruption is Needed


State Minister for Combating Corruption Nicolas Tueni stressed on Monday that an “uprising” against corruption in Lebanon is needed, and hailed the intentions of President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri to fight it.

“There are some genuine political intentions from the President and Prime Minister's side to combat corruption. The situation requires an uprising,” Tueni told the VDL (100.5).

“Many decisions will be taken during the first cabinet session and it will tackle a number of pending issues,” he added.

The cabinet is scheduled to convene on Wednesday.

Early in 2016, the Transparency International watchdog said that Lebanon continues to suffer from public sector corruption despite a slight improvement since 2014.

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranked Lebanon 123rd with a score of 28 out of a possible 100 in 2015 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.

The country scored 27 in 2014, it said. It was better off in 2012 with a score of 30.

The CPI currently ranks 168 countries "on a scale from 100 (very clean) to 0 (highly corrupt)."

Comments 5
Thumb Puppet 02 January 2017, 09:28

I respect State Minister for Combating Corruption Nicolas Tueni for stressing on Monday that an “uprising” against corruption in Lebanon is needed, and for hailing the intentions of President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Saad Hariri to fight it.

Thumb justin 02 January 2017, 12:01

i am sure he will declare his assets after he finishes his brief stint as "combating corruption" minister.

Thumb Mrowwe 02 January 2017, 17:10

The lebanese are sick of words and empty promises. Either stop corruption by making an example of corrupt politicians or stop talking.

Missing cedars 02 January 2017, 18:26

The corruption is lead or supported indirectly by every minister in the government. Just like it took 30 days to come up with minister names, it's going to take 30 sessions to discuss every corruption matter. Let's start with the garbage file while it's cold before we reach the hot summer.

Thumb thepatriot 02 January 2017, 18:57

Corruption is a Pyramid that starts from the top, and goes down.
Let all the Ministers make a declaration of their wealth.
And let' s start with Gibran Bassil.