Geagea Refuses 'Aleppo Govt.' Label, Says Hizbullah-Proposed Electoral Law 'Has No Chances'
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has dismissed claims that the new government in Lebanon is a reflection of the military victory of Syria's regime and Hizbullah in the strategic city of Aleppo.
“Lebanon is enjoying satisfactory stability compared to all of what's happening in the region and in my opinion this stability will continue,” Geagea said in an interview with pro-Syrian opposition TV network Orient News.
Asked about a pro-Hizbullah media outlet's labeling of the new government as “Aleppo government”, Geagea said he is “totally against such labels.”
“A media outlet has decided to call it 'Aleppo government' but it is not. It is Lebanon's government and its political approach is as far as it can be from being labeled Aleppo government,” Geagea added.
"All the speeches of General Michel Aoun ever since he assumed the presidency until now confirm that the Lebanese presidency is committed to the approach of the State and Lebanon's positive neutrality, except for everything that has to do with the issue of the Palestinian cause,” the LF leader explained.
“The sovereign approach in Lebanon will remain stronger than any other voices,” he stressed.
Turning to the issue of the electoral law, Geagea noted that a law fully based on proportional representation as demanded by Hizbullah “has no chances of being approved.”
“Meanwhile, the hybrid law that we have proposed together with al-Mustaqbal Movement and the Progressive Socialist Party has higher chances,” Geagea said.
“Speaker Nabih Berri has proposed a similar law and we are trying to combine the two laws,” he added.
I have so much respect and immense admiration for Dactor Geagea for having concerns on the policy statement, for ensuring the cedar revolution will continue, for voting for aoun, and finally for confirming the Hizbullah-Proposed Electoral Law 'Has No Chances'.
she mustn't be so impressed, she's seen at least half of lebanon's men naked while hubby was in jail.
you mean as many as yours has seen while you are here posting your sectarian propaganda 24/7... how sad.
On one hand, i respect ......resilient for noting that the dactor is ugly and deluded.
On the other hand, I disrespect him for not noting that he is Satan like, however, I do wish him and his family the happiest of holidays and a happy and prosperous new year.