Hariri's Cabinet Wins Parliament Confidence with 87 Votes
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Prime Minister Saad Hariri won a parliamentary vote of confidence after 87 lawmakers voted in favor of his government on Wednesday.
Kataeb MPs Sami Gemayel, Nadim Gemayel and Samer Saadeh, and MP Khaled Daher withheld their confidence from the cabinet.
MP Imad al-Hout, the only representative in the parliament of al-Jamaa al-Islamiya abstained from voting.
Only 92 out of 127 lawmakers were present during the vote.
The parliament convened on Wednesday for the second day in a row where Hariri responded to the MPs remarks made a day earlier, he said: “We thank the Lebanese army and security forces for the sacrifices they made. I hereby vow that the government will follow-up on the issue of the detained servicemen until they return safe to their homes.
“I confirm that there some contentious issues similar to the issue of arms,” he said in reference to Hizbullah's arms without mentioning it.
“We want a new electoral law. Each one of us has a role in that regard,” he added.
“I believe that no one has an objection with the regard to the woman’s quota in the parliament.”
“We have stressed commitment to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The STL was primarily established to achieve justice,” said the PM.
“A big part of corruption can be eradicated by State mechanization. We will not allow any violations in the telecommunications data sector and the cabinet decision will soon be implemented,” he concluded.
Although three days of parliamentary debate, starting Tuesday, had been scheduled but the political forces agreed to limit the number of speeches and the government won a vote of confidence on Wednesday.
On Tuesday and after delivering their speeches, the majority of MPs gave their vote of confidence for the cabinet including ex-PM Tammam Salam, Change and Reform bloc, Lebanese Forces bloc, Loyalty to the Resistance bloc, al-Mustaqbal bloc, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, Democratic Gathering bloc, Development and Liberation bloc.
MPs that voted against were: ex-PM Najib Miqati who did not attend the parliamentary session, MP Khaled al-Daher and Kataeb party bloc which said that the government’s political vision “contradicts” with the party's vision.
For his part, MP Botros Harb abstained from voting for or against confidence in the government in order to “give the new president and premier a chance to honor their promises.”

Mr Hariri. In the past I was one of your sharpest critics but now you proved to be the man of the hour. You have demonstrated stupendous courage, unsurpassed perspicacity and peerless acumen by breaking the inveterate political dead lock in Lebanon. Indeed, you were the only one who could save the country from trundling into the abys of chaos. The country was heading to a certain abysmal catastrophe, when you successfully reversed its catastrophic path to a remarkable feat.
May God vouchsafe upon you His blessing, and guide your footsteps under His providence in all your

All my respect and admiration go to Mr. Saado Hariri and his valiant cabinet for winning a vote of confidence in the Lebanese parliament.

by an illegal parliament which became legal once aoun was elected....

Good luck to the Lebanese Government and Prime Minister Hariri! The Lebanese are waiting and praying for a productive cabinet that will actually deliver to the people instead of delivering to politicians pockets!

I totally respect Mr. libanaisresilient for assuring us that Mr. Saado Hariri will never be appointed prime minister and if appointed he will never be able to form a government.

Who'd have though it. The USG in disarray while the Lebanese is showing the way toward orderly coming together.
And let me say this. I have been a profound opponent of Michel Aoun since 2007 and his MOU with the Hezbollah. I have denounced the guy on the this BLOG for being a fraud and a charlatan. But, in light of recent events, you have got to hand it to the guy. He has pulled off something that I thought not possible and it seems he did it the only way possible. First he won Hezbollah's loyalty and then waited.
Hariri's move to Frangieh for whatever reason, pushed Geagea to Aoun. Hariri then got isolated in Tripoli for supporting Frangieh and lost to Rifi which caused Hariri to come back to Geagea and Aoun, bringing Sunni support with Shiite support to a unified Christian candidate. Hats off to Aoun. Bravo Generale, you did it! Happy New Year!