Report: Hariri May Declare Aoun's Nomination Next Week

The Free Patriotic Movement is pleased with the general “positive” atmospheres surrounding the nomination of its founder MP Michel Aoun for the presidential post, as media reports said that ex-PM Saad Hariri will possibly declare Aoun's nomination next week, al-Akhbar daily reported on Saturday.
Prominent sources of the FPM told al-Akhbar daily that “the atmospheres are very positive. The rally of Aoun's supporters tomorrow will be the last one to be held on the road of the people's palace under the orange flags. The next meeting will be held at the Presidential Palace under the Lebanese flags.”
The FPM called for a rally next Sunday near the presidential palace in Baabda to mark the 26th anniversary of its storming by Syrian forces when they forced Aoun, an army commander at the time, to flee and seek refuge at the French Embassy.
The sources affirmed to al-Akhbar, that Mustaqbal Movement leader Hariri has adhered to “what has been agreed” with regard to the nomination of Aoun, and that “things are coming close to an end.”
Lebanon has been without a president since the term of Michel Suleiman ended in May 2014 and Hizbullah, MP Michel Aoun's Change and Reform bloc and some of their allies have been boycotting the parliament's electoral sessions, stripping them of the needed quorum.
Hariri's recent return to Lebanon has triggered a flurry of reports about a possible presidential settlement and the ex-PM is exploring the possibility of endorsing Aoun for the presidency in a bid to break the deadlock.
Hariri, who is close to Saudi Arabia, launched an initiative in late 2015 to nominate Franjieh for the presidency but his proposal was met with reservations from the country's main Christian parties as well as Hizbullah.
The supporters of Aoun's presidential bid argue that he is more eligible than Franjieh to become president due to the size of his parliamentary bloc and his bigger influence in the Christian community.

All my respect and admiration go to Mr. Hariri for adhering to his principles of not handing over the country to iran and for foiling the iranian project in Lebanon.

The FPM called for a rally to mark the 26th anniversary of its storming by Syrian forces when they forced Aoun, an army commander at the time, to flee and seek refuge at the French Embassy.
...... 26 years later, michel aoun appears to be on his way to the presidential palace only this time with the help of the syrian regime.

If this report is true, it will sadly mark the final curtain on a young man's political career who had so much promise.
Milestones in Saad Hariri's downfall from grace:
1) Accusing the Syrian regime of his father's assassination and eventually going to Damascus and getting the blessing of Bashar Al Assad
2) Making concession after concession to Hezbollah and giving them political coverage in repeated governments
3) Nominating Franjieh, Assad's closest ally and childhood friend, for the presidency against the will of the people who voted for him while backstabbing Geagea in the process.
4) the final blow is/will be nominating Aoun as President.
Will Hariri ever be able to justify the shift and change in his positions to the millions of Lebanese who now blame him for paralyzing the country only to nominate Aoun 2 years later.
Will he ever admit his mistakes of succumbing to the power of the weapons of a terrorist militia?

lol indeed:)
عون: لا نشكك بوطنية أي من اللبنانيين فكلهم دفعوا الثمن غال من أجل وطنهم

Mr. P.M. Hariri, I have been a sincere supporter to you and M14 during all these years. I beg you NOT TO make an insane decision like that. How can you ally with the "Ally of the killers of your father"? How can you ally with the "Agent of Iran and the Butcher"? How can you ally with a "Corrupt, a liar and a madman". Please go and listen to what said on MTV yesterday General Abou Jamra that this man will never hold his promise.

Dear Mr. Hariri: is this a sign that can help you understand the reality?
"The supporters of the Caporal are still insulting you at this very moment. They really hate you. They will take everything from you but will continue to hate you."
You must understand that the Caporal and his supporters are ready to beg and kiss hands, but that they will continue to hate you.
The only thing to do is the demise of this Caporal who when he will disappear, will also disappear all his party because no one will follow the "imbassil...little Hitler".
The best thing is NOT TO ENDORSE the Caporal who will end up by implosing. End of the story.

Again... I am glad I left Lebanon... I could' t have lived in a country led by Michel Majnun...

Don't matter what Hariri does, Berri said it clearly "No President without Package Deal" a package deal that most everyone refuses. Hassin added "Aoun should involve Berri and Frangieh in his deal with Hairi".. why? If as Hassin and co claim Hariri is obstructing the election his a deal with Aoun should be enough.. Insisting on involving Berri and Frangieh, who will not vote for Aoun, is just a stalling tactic to ensure that no president will be elected.

Don't matter what Hariri does, Berri said it clearly "No President without Package Deal" a package deal that most everyone refuses. Hassin added "Aoun should involve Berri and Frangieh in his deal with Hairi".. why? If as Hassin and co claim Hariri is obstructing the election his a deal with Aoun should be enough.. Insisting on involving Berri and Frangieh, who will not vote for Aoun, is just a stalling tactic to ensure that no president will be elected.