Cabinet Holds Extraordinary Session Monday as Mashnouq Hopes it Addresses Foreign Policy

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The cabinet is scheduled to convene on Monday to address the repercussions of Saudi Arabia's decision to halt its aid grant to the Lebanese army.

The government will hold its extraordinary meeting at 10:00 am on Monday.

Earlier, Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq wondered whether Riyadh's decision is part of a “confrontation with Lebanon or a withdrawal” from the Lebanese scene, reported the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat on Sunday.

He hoped the cabinet would address its foreign policy.

“I believe we will be able to reach the desired result with Prime Minister Tammam Salam,” he said without elaborating.

The minister urged Riyadh to support “those who have backed it, who represent the majority of the Lebanese people and Saudi Arabia is aware of this, so does the whole world.”

Lebanon's choice will “always be Arab”, declared Mashnouq, “no matter the cost.”

“We have paid dearly in the past ten years for defending this stance and we are ready and persevering along this path,” he stressed.

Saudi Arabia said on Friday that it has halted a $3 billion program for military supplies to Lebanon in protest against Hizbullah's policies and recent diplomatic stances by the Lebanese foreign ministry.

The move brought widespread condemnation from the March 14 alliance against Hizbullah and the Free Patriotic Movement, whose leader is Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil.

Comments 5
Thumb marcus 21 February 2016, 08:35

hehe now you people woke up to Lebanon's Foreign Policy. Lebanon is now filled with Iranian owned and financed TV stations mostly based in Dahieh broadcasting the Iranian Hezbollah propaganda and licensed by this cabinet. There is even a huthi TV station based in dahieh that hosts guests whose job is to attack KSA.

Missing humble 21 February 2016, 10:36

The true problem is an imbassil who is incompetent, liar, corrupt and big gangster...

Missing helicopter 21 February 2016, 17:13

Cabinet Holds Extraordinary Session Monday as Mashnouq Hopes it Addresses Foreign Policy .........

All their sessions have been extraordinarily stupid. Look at HA taking over the country, like at the trash covering the landscape, look at our army losing its financial support, is there any good accomplished by the Cabinet's extraordinary sessions.

Missing alyanko10452 21 February 2016, 18:05

It all started in 2006 when the Lebanese were too coward to ally with Israel to defeat Hezbollah. We wouldn't be where we are. Iran and Hezb are the filth of the earth.

Missing helicopter 21 February 2016, 19:07

We have half million so called Lebanese (HA supporters) openly saying they are traitors who work for the Khamnei.