March 14 Mulling Withdrawing Lebanon's Ambassador to Syria

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The March 14 forces are weighing the possibility of withdrawing Lebanon’s Ambassador to Syria, Michel Khoury, in light of the Arab League’s decision to suspend Syria’s membership at the organization, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

A prominent March 14 source told the daily that the forces are also mulling the possibility of suggesting the expulsion of the Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon, Ali Abdul Karim Ali.

The source slammed Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour’s position on the Arab decision saying that it expressed the opinion of the “Hizbullah government.”

Furthermore, it said: “Through abstaining from voting on the decision, Iraq respected the sensitivities of its government with Syria and Iran, as well as the sensitivities of its internal scene.”

Lebanon failed to take into consideration the different positions on its internal scene, it added.

“Where are they taking Lebanon after Mansour’s decision not to recognize Arab decisions?” asked the source.

On Saturday, Lebanon voted against a decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers to suspend Syria’s membership in the Arab League.

18 countries agreed to the decision, while Lebanon, Yemen and Syria voted against it and Iraq abstained.

Mansour told al-Manar television, hours after the decision was announced, that the “the resolution taken by the Arab League is dangerous, because it was taken against a member state.”

“These decisions will not help solve the crisis in Syria but will push it towards a very critical stage,” he stressed.

Comments 4
Missing rognation 13 November 2011, 09:43

Mansour told al-Manar television, hours after the decision was announced, that the “the resolution taken by the Arab League is dangerous, because it was taken against a member state.”

Really!! I have one word for you sir LIBYA

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 13 November 2011, 13:39

Like these imbeciles have a choice in the matter. When in power all they could do was take orders, now they are completley impotent.

Abdel Hallim Khadam, ghazi kanaan and himat shehabi, the syrian butchers in Lebanon are the heroes of march 14.

Ps. They even hijacked the name march 14 along with the billions they stole from the Lebanese people.

Default-user-icon Disgusted (Guest) 13 November 2011, 13:47

No mulling....just withdraw the Lebanese ambassador and kick out the Syrian one!!

Default-user-icon Galliardo (Guest) 13 November 2011, 15:08

Oh please cut it out. Haven't these folks run out of ridiculous headlines? Shouldn't they try to bring their dumb leader back before anybody else?