Hariri: Nasrallah's Rhetoric Dims Hopes for President, Settles Political Scores with Saudi Arabia

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader Saad Hariri criticized on Saturday Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's position saying that the latter has linked the fate of Lebanon's presidency to that in Syria, dimming the hopes to have a head of state.
“Sayyed Hassan has announced that Lebanon will not have a president before knowing the fate of the presidency in Syria,” said Hariri via twitter.
“The whole rhetoric of Sayyed Hassan on the interior situation in Lebanon means that nothing will move forward,” the ex-Premier added.
Disputes between March 8 and March 14 alliance have thwarted so far any attempt to elect a head of state, as Lebanon witnesses a vacuum at the top Christian post since May 2014 when the term of President Michel Suleiman ended.
“Sayyed Hassan believes that Lebanon is perfect grounds for Iranian politics. He believes that the Christians are a major component in Lebanon's existence, but pledges a head of state who covers the presence of Hizbullah and its influence in a number of countries,” Hariri underscored.
The ex-Premier also criticized Nasrallah's positions on the Mena incident in Saudi Arabia saying: “Nasrallah intersects with the Iranian position, taking advantage of the Mena incident as a means to settle political records with Saudi Arabia.”
717 pilgrims lost their lives on Thursday's during the annual Muslim pilgrimage which came just weeks after a crane collapse in the holy city of Mecca that killed more than 100 pilgrims, many of them foreigners.
Iran, Hizbullah's ally, got furious that 136 of its people died in the stampede and blamed Sunni rival Saudi Arabia and says it is unfit to manage the pilgrimage.
On Hizbullah's involvement in the fighting in Syria, Hariri said: “Nasrallah is acting like he is Iran's high commissioner in Syria and takes the right to negotiate on Zabadani, al-Fouaa and other regions.
“He denies any Iranian involvement in Syria, and that is hilarious and surprising," concluded Hariri.

Hariri: Nasrallah's Rhetoric Dims Hopes for Having a President
.... continue your dialogue with him just to confirm it.

hariri is really nothing more than a saudi spokesperson nowadays, every speech he makes is about defending his medieval sugardaddies and urging us to mourn them when they rot away.

plus his comments are completely disconnected from what nasrallah said, seems like he had a speech written by his puppeteers before nasrallah even spoke and he just waited to read it out.

if hariri is a saudi spokesperson then what are you? Are you not an iranian paid propagandist?

lol mowaten, so much hate only indicate the massive amount of b-hurt that Hariri is inflicting upon you farsi iranians

Saudi Arabia just pays takfiri groups such as ISIS and Nusra to spread chaos.
So your false justification once again fails here texas.

He just funds them and turns the blind eye to jihadists who capture and kill LAF soldiers. No one is innocent in this mess.

So you believe, Lebanon would be all safe and sound if the Resistance didn't go to Syria? Ofcourse you do, but now consider a few things before you type more crap in here.
Can you tell that to the Yazidi women and children that never fired a bullet and never assaulted ISIS? Or the groups of Christians around the middle east that were killed by both ISIS and Nusra/Qaeda?
Fact is, when danger is lurking you face it instead of hiding, now this is what the Resistance did, and they will continue to do so.

So what do you call the dozens of Lebanese soldiers that are kept hostage and even beheaded?
That could apply for all the lebanese army had the Resistance not intervened.
The Lebanese Army can hardly be allowed to defend themselves in the first place, mainly because of March 14s intervention holding a political umbrella over the heads of ISIS and Al Nusra, causing the deaths of many Lebanese Soldiers.

Lahd militia? That is very funny coming from you texas, do you remember who removed those guys in the first place genius?

it is very funny when you keep denying it is a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar!
Saad, you were told not to dance with the devil, we told you to count your fingers after you shank hands with the devil, and you still insist in talking to the devil. Hassan Nasrallah will do everything to prevent Lebanon from having a real president, he wants only a stooge like Aoun or Frangieh. The number One public enemy of this land is none other than Hassan Nasrallah, he has screwed up Lebanon's economy, now he wants to screw up whatever that remains of its institutions, even if he can, the army. But Syria and Iran are bleeding his butt profusely, by the time he needs a transfusion, we will elect our president.
Myctis, it is your miltia that is in Syria, so why did it not protect the Yazidis? Or what about in Iraq? Please drop that all-too-caring-militia image of yours, it's just too stale now you see? people now know the real truth about Hezbollah, now it is the one that needs to be saved, unless Mr. Putin pours massive supplies in Syria, the predicament of his allies there will only get worse, then even if Putin targets IS, the moderate Syrian opposition forces will square it off with Bashar and his multitude of militias fighting alongside his forces.

So one conclusion from that comic debate; Nasrallah is the root of all evil in the world and if it weren't for him, Lebanon would be paradise on earth.
Sounds familiar? That's the same song we all used to sing during the Syrian occupation. Now look where we are.
The problem is you, the Lebanese idiot who distills all our complex issues and problems to one man, who for the sake of his beliefs and religious belonging accepts all forms of corruption and does not tolerate criticism. The extremist who claims he is democratic but is a bigot.
You and others like you across the Middle East are the reason you live in literal shit. Guess what? You deserve it. All of it. Because when you had the chance for change all you did was bury you ugly face into the butt of your sheikh/priest/warlord.
Pity the nation.

Elections. Several opportunities. Yet people went back and voted to the same bastards that enslaved them for 25 years.

Since the Resistance took control of the border we haven't seen anymore attacks in Lebanon.
The Resistance will continue on their endeavours to keep Lebanon safe at the borders whilst the Lebanese Army takes care of security inside Lebanon.

Saad Hariri is great at criticizing it seems but he has no plan, he does not act and he surrounds himself with sycophants.
His party is in disarray and he has added zero value to the Lebanese economy since his party came to power.
Corruption is a staple in his party like it is in every other party in Lebanon.
He is a great disapointment but at least he is not as crazy as Aoun, corrupt as Berry, a self confessed thief and murderer like Jumblatt or Geagea or a murderer like Nasrallah.