Bassil Vows to Confront 'Daeshi' Politics: We are Defending All Christians, Lebanese
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil hailed on Friday the street protests that took place on Thursday by Free Patriotic Movement supporters, saying that they have restored hope for the Christians in Lebanon.
He said during a press conference: “ We are waging the battle of defending all the Christians and Lebanese.”
“We will confront 'Daehsi' politics,” he vowed, in a reference to the Arabic acronym of the Islamic State extremist group.
“Those who took to the streets on Thursday have restored our glory days and they make us proud,” he added to reporters.
Addressing the dispute that erupted between him and Prime Minister Tammam Salam at the beginning of Thursday's cabinet session, Bassil explained: “We were deliberate in showing this quarrel before the media.”
“We sought to respond to the premier in the same manner in which he approaches us, which is through a disregard of principles,” he explained.
“We wanted to demonstrate the extent to which violations against us are being committed,” he said.
“We are concerned at cabinet with the implementation and respect of the constitution,” stated the minister.
“In the absence of the president, we can at times assume the role of the president and this issue has been disrespected,” he went on to say.
“Do you expect us to remain silent over the violations committed against the jurisdiction of the president?” Bassil wondered.
“Is there anything more important happening in the country than the disregard of Christian rights?” he asked.
“We are accused of obstructing state functioning when we attempt to defend Christian rights,” he added.
“How can cabinet decisions be taken without the FPM, Hizbullah, Tashnag Party, and Marada Movement?” he continued.
“The developments on the street allow us to respond to Salam through the media and our constitutional jurisdiction,” he stressed.
A heated exchange erupted between Salam and Bassil during a contentious cabinet session on Thursday.
The cabinet's parties later agreed to continue the thorny debate over the cabinet's decision-taking mechanism after Eid al-Fitr.
The session was accompanied by demonstrations by FPM supporters in the vicinity of the Grand Serail.
FPM chief MP Michel Aoun had called on his supporters to prepare for rallies to restore what he described as “the rights of the Christians.” Preparations for the demos began after the cabinet failed to discuss the appointment of high-ranking security and military officials.
Aoun has been lobbying for the appointment of Commando Regiment commander Chamel Roukoz, his son-in-law, as army chief.

Enough, enough enough. If a moderate Sunni if Salam and Mustaqbal are your target of attacks if all what problems because you want another Sun in law THEN be sure the problem is in you Aouni followers, if the rights problems end with bassil roukoz and Michel Aoun's sons in law, THEN some thing is wrong with you. Another observation is on Hizbolah benefit from all this, knowing that No Government institutions means the Hizbo-Iranian State will prevail and can control more whether Aouni's know it ir not.

NothingInBrains, with all respect, when there is no alternative to Aouni obstruction and vacuum then we are all obliged to the extension. Seems like brains have shortcuts and can not analyse beyond long nose. If you think that Moderate Sunni a problems and Hizbola with kindly reference to creating its iranian back state and all the arms and problems it create for us is ok, then a dead brain is not enough to describe you.

It's beautiful to see that the FPM have such a huge campaign. Even bigger than anything Kataeb and LF put up with since 2005.
It will be a beautiful day when mentally strapped people like you ya Mystic will look at the real world with different glasses. If this is what you call huge, then good for you, but today now that the dust of the FPM's Black Thursday has settled, it now turns out that a huge blunder has been committed by the FPM and its leadership. The numbers were truly laughable, the layers and layers of hogwash lies have dented the FPM's image even further and now it confirms why Aoun's key allies have abstained. Now you wish to sing your same tune, well, go ahead, it's still a free world.

My glasses suits me just fine phoenix, I know you would you like to see me including all of Lebanon, bow down to the West and let Lebanon become a Western Euro/US colony, whilst making peace with Israel spit shine their shoes and eat out of Saudis dumpsters.
Not going to happen ya Phoenix, we have a different mentality you and I.

Also, the Kataeb and LF parties have been extremely shocked by General Aouns call for protests. Because now they have witnessed how huge his party really is.
A smart move I believe. They could be heard in many areas in Beirut and across Lebanon phoenix, so I doubt you have been around here this week.
(1). Mystic, no one is shocked by Aoun, partisans and his allies. None of their objectives were reached, none, even if none was genuine. Aoun has proven that he has failed big time, Lebanon is now waking up to the truth of the crux, that Aoun is finally over. You people at Hezbollah are now back to the drawing board to chart out a new course. Sadly, Hezbollah being a direct product of the Israelis had the routine of screwing up our Summer Seasons whenever they started well, but now because Hezbollah is in itself totally screwed up, not daring provoke its creators in Israel, they ordered the Claoun to cause the disturbance. It is known that people from all corners of the world were calling Lebanon yesterday thinking that the worst was restarting all over again, but it was all over before it even began! Sabotaging Lebanon's peace and prosperity is no longer that easy for you people, yesterday was proof enough of your side's total bankruptcy.
*** Mystic, no one is shocked BUT Aoun, his partisans and his allies.***
(2). Mystic. Today Friday 10 July 2015, Lebanon wakes up feeling a lot more secure, a lot more confident, because by playing brinkmanship, the Hezbollah-led M8 alliance has shot itself in the template, not in foot, but in the head's template. You people were trying to bluff your way and it failed badly and miserably. You ya Mystic can say all you want, and that includes all those trolls coming and leaving on this site, but nothing will change. Your side had the chance of returning to the fold and you constantly arrogantly refused, well, now that you are sliding down, your options are lesser and lesser. Just now, Sleyman Frangieh was lambasting Aoun in ways never seen or heard before, please switch on your TV, not Al Manar, but a real station please. Your slide has started and Aoun is confirming it beyond doubt.

Even you are shocked phoenix, your madness and frustration is a proof of this. You keep calling Gen. Aoun madman, you turn a blind eye to his popularity, which is by far better than Geageas.
Only madman I see around here is you old friend.
Mystic, between your wishful thinking and reality, you would need to go all the way up to the Hubble telescope in space to find the truth. If Aoun was that popular, why is everyone washing his hands and feet from him? Why did he muster only such a miserable number of partisans. You ya Mystic are a Hezbollah partisan, and floating all around you are debris of your shattered hopes, over a stooge rubber-stamper you could not take to Baabda. Tragically for you, you and Claoun are now witnessing the undoing of a foul dream gone awfully wrong. You see, evil has a time, but when God comes to claim his rights, no one stands in the way, and certainly not your self-made God Hassan Nasrallah, or anyone of his stooges.
Ya habibi Mystic, enta 3an jad ktir mahdoum, if there's anyone making many people really mad, you included, that must be me, the 1 Phoenix. Try figuring it out my good brother.
Woul berhen ya Mystic that I am driving you folks mad, why so many thumbs down on me and the other M14 posters? Yalla, jeyikoun ba3ad aktar.

the fpm showed us yesterday their popularity(less than a hundred) so no need for testing who is more popular between aoun and geagea. :)
(1).Mr. Bassil, yesterday Thursday 9 July 2015 was your day of infamy, for you, for your totally deranged father in law Aoun and for the FPM. You people have stupidly counted on numbers, believing that numbers can change things, well? First, you could garner nor gather but a few hundred cars and less than 4000 partisans. Yes ya Bassil, there was a time when your lot indeed had the majority of the Christian voices, but that is now a yellowing picture that your Aoun could not merit. Aoun says things that are music to people's ears, yet does the very opposite of his words. You, Aoun your FPM and those who feed your palate have become the number ONE obstacle to a peaceful Lebanon, a Lebanon where we can all live as equals, in peace, prosperity and hope. By attacking the army, you've proven to the whole wide world that you are a people bent on a culture of violence. Now you're lying about it when the eyes of the whole world saw what you did.

why don't they resign from parliament then? Why do they still take their salaries?

Because if they resign - they will give the M14 thugs a carte blanch to steal and run the show as they wish! M14 were in power before - and it lead to over 50 Bill in country debt and weak telecom infrastructure!
Kevin, the only thugs I see are Yellow and Orange. I have yet to see one M14 hit a soldier. Now don't bring me liturgies from the Orange book if you please.
(2). Mr. Bassil, in normal societies, when a politician commits just one major mistake, he or she tenders a resignation which would be accepted, this is called a graceful exit or an Exit Strategy. Your Aoun and you have been committing blunders after blunders, usurping power and authority on a routine and regular basis. Your mentors Hezbollah have given you a sense of invincibility, but that is not invincibility, it is a lamentable culture of disregard and flaunting for the laws and the constitution of this land, this including its constitutional institutions.
(3). With this day of infamy, you and Aoun took a major bet, and you dropped down like a stone. In fact tell me what you ever did right in this country, when!? But what you did yesterday was a huge service and favor to the majority of the Lebanese, though Aoun remains a saboteur by profession, but now he is many steps nearer to that mental institution that has been waiting for him for just too long. Bassil, you lead the way, for him and your entire family and entourage, and let the FPM be led by wiser folks. People have a right to chose their party, if they chose the FPM, they at least deserve a party that is decent, and not a reckless one where they defy everyone and everything.
Looking at the face of the double-jointed gnome son-in-law, one can easily tell that it all went wrong for him, for his father-in and their FPM. Truly Victorious people display a different face and it's the face of serenity.

All the latest media blitzes are all about helping Basil's FPM Leadership bid, Aoun wants him to take over from him while most FPM members don't like him. It will be a coronation or there won't be a FPM election, it will be postponed like all the previous ones.
J’étais le chouchou de ma mère, son préféré,
Et dans la boucherie de mon père, je trimais,
Pour le fuir aucun choix, sauf l’abri de l’armée,
C’était trop dur pour moi, mais j’y ai adhéré.
Chez le tailleur du coin j’ai fait faire
L’uniforme bleu qui était requis.
Il s’avéra, hélas, que rien n’était acquis :
Trop petit, refusé ! Tout était à refaire.
Il me fallait tricher, j’ai appris à le faire.
Un gros piston m’aida et je fus engagé.
J’appris la cadence et comment rédiger
Une prose monotone aux vertus somnifères.
Je me voyais déjà au haut de l'affiche,
En dix fois plus gros que n'importe qui.
Tout m’appartiendrait et me serait acquis,
Adulé, admiré et puissant et riche.
Pour y arriver je fis n'importe quoi :
Faire donner le canon contre des innocents,
Escroquer mon public pour devenir puissant.
Pour atteindre mon but tout était adéquat.
Courage, Fuyons ! Telle est ma devise,
En mensonges et calomnies je suis passé maître,
Trahisons et retournements sont mes paramètres,
Démagogie et haine sont ma marchandise.
Qui suis-je ?

They restored hope for the Christians in Lebanon by beating up on Lebanese army soldiers.

Lovely Jebran Bassil announced the start of his defending the Lebanese Christians plan by pinging Caroline to another Emirati foreign ministry delegation.
Guys have you noticed just what Michel Claoun is doing? he talks of putting his son-in-law Roukoz as army chief, but do you know that this is not possible without a president in his seat right now? So what is Claoun trying to do, break the convention or speed up his election as president? Is Claoun trying best as he could to strip off the presidency's key role, that of appointing the army chief? Be careful everyone, stay sober, Aoun is not only mad, but he is an Anti-Christ, a Freemason Illuminati trying everything to remove us from Lebanon, what I wrote of is just one such example, keep your eyes wide open. Keeping Lebanon without president now for 15 months is also one such move, careful people, careful!!
Not so many, only those by the name of hass if they are christians!

Bassil is delusional like his father-in-law. What battle are you waging? You're the ones boycotting the presidency lol. You're concerned about the Constitution? Lol go to Parliament and cast votes for Aoun. What violations are being committed against you? Not appointing Aoun's other son-in-law as army commander??
“Is there anything more important happening in the country than the disregard of Christian rights?” he asked.
- Looooool so this country is all about Christians again, sounds so rightwing like the radical LF...
@hass1978, why don't you worry for your Shiites first instead of drumming that old tune?