Saudi Says Lebanon Arms Deal with France Not Blocked


France's $3 billion Saudi-funded deal to provide military supplies to Lebanon has not been canceled, the Saudi foreign minister said Wednesday, despite the delays.

"There is an agreement... there is no blockage. Everything is proceeding normally," said Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir during a visit to Paris. 

Lebanon received the first tranche of weapons designed to bolster its army against jihadist threats, including anti-tank guided missiles, in April, but press reports have since indicated that the $3 billion program has run into obstacles. 

On Wednesday, a French diplomatic source denied the deal had been canceled but said there were delays. 

"It is being evaluated at the request of the Saudis for political reasons because Saudi Arabia is extremely cautious on the issue that these materials go only to the Lebanese army," the source said.

"The Saudis want guarantees that this material is not diverted to other forces."

"The work is ongoing but we are confident that the program will be put into practice in all its dimensions," said the diplomatic source.

Comments 9
Thumb Mystic 24 June 2015, 21:35

Are you sure about that? Lebanon don't need your scrapmetal.

Thumb freedomarch 25 June 2015, 02:57

You speak on behalf of your beloved Islamic REP PUBLIC OF iran. KSA and Arabic countries ARE NOT iran.

Thumb -phoenix1 25 June 2015, 13:29

There goes another Nay-sayer. Mystic, it's weapons we're talking about, and no, they're not being smuggled into Lebanon, they are real weapons, OK? So the more we get, the better our army becomes and the less excuses your militia for rent can use to stay around. You people want to fight every war in the globe, fine, go ahead, but out of Lebanon, not in Lebanon. You want to fight Israel, fine, from the Golan. You want to fight in Syria? Fine, stay there, same goes for Yemen. Mystic, we're trying to build our army and that's because we want to rebuild our country, because all that your Hezbollah has left in its wake is as you said, Scrap Metal, and thank you for that.

Thumb freedomarch 25 June 2015, 18:36

A better way to put it; العقد الفرنسى السعودى لتسليح الجيش اللبنانى لا يزال ساريا وفق الجدول المحدد ولم يتم وقف العمل به. وصفقة الأسلحة الفرنسية ممولة من السعودية وتبلغ قيمتها ثلاثة مليارات دولار وتهدف إلى تعزيز قدرات الجيش اللبنانى. وقال الجبير ، فى مؤتمر صحافى مع نظيره الفرنسى لوران فابيوس "هناك اتفاق، وليس هناك تجميد. هناك جدول محدد للدفع، وكل شيء يتواصل بشكل طبيعي، وليس هناك اى تغيير". وكانت تقارير إعلامية تحدثت مؤخرا عن تجميد فى سداد ما هو متفق عليه فى العقد. ووفق مصدر دبلوماسى فان "المرحلة الاولى يجرى تنفيذها، اما السؤال المطروح فيتعلق بالمراحل الاخرى: الاتفاق لم يلغ ولم يفسخ. والامر متعلق بطلب سعودى لاسباب سياسية، لان المملكة السعودية صارمة جدا فى ان تصل تلك المعدات الى الجيش اللبنانى وحده ليستفيد منها اللبنانيون كافة". وتابع ان "السعوديين يريدون ضمانات الا تصل تلك المعدات الى قوة اخرى"، مضيفا "نحن نعمل من اجل ان نضمن ذلك. العمل سيتواصل ونحن واثقون من ان البرنامج سيطبق بمراحله كافة". تسلم الجيش اللبنانى فى أبريل الدفعة الاولى من الاسلحة الفرنسية بموجب الهبة السعودية.

Missing helicopter 25 June 2015, 00:22

Do Iranians weapon go to anyone other than to HA and its brigades? There is nothing abnormal in their request for the arms to go only for the army. In fact that is exactly what every Lebanese should want.

Thumb freedomarch 25 June 2015, 03:07

Thanks to all The Brave Free Shi3a, Those who see hizbolah treating them badly first hand. Thanks to All the free and vocal Shi3a that know danger is in every corner, Hizbola have done it and will do it.

Thumb freedomarch 25 June 2015, 03:08

Damn Hizbola (for all what they are doing) and his blind follower Aoun (for the chair).. hope they will get what they deserve.

Thumb -phoenix1 25 June 2015, 13:35

Haters will see you walk on water and say it’s because you can’t swim. (Anonymous).

Thumb -phoenix1 25 June 2015, 14:34

Naharnet Mod, shou beikoun lyom, why did you delete my reply to Big John, did you see any slurs? Ouff...