Ali: Lebanese Officials Must Reconsider Accusations against us by Resorting to Constitution

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdul Karim Ali questioned on Tuesday criticism by some Lebanese officials that have accused his embassy of being behind the disappearance of Syrian opposition members in Lebanon.

He said after holding talks with former Prime Minister Salim Hoss: “I don’t want to dwell on the details of this dispute, but I will renew my call for some sides to reconsider their positions based on the Lebanese constitution and cooperation agreements between Lebanon and Syria.”

“I wonder at the fact that this call would be interpreted as meddling in Lebanese internal affairs,” added the ambassador.

“This in itself is a sufficient response to the criticism,” Ali stated.

“We are keen on establishing the best fraternal ties with Lebanon … and cooperation between Lebanon and Syria will positively reflect on the interests and security of the two countries, especially against Israel and the confrontation that is being prepared for them,” he stressed.

On Friday, Ali denied reports that his embassy was behind the disappearance of Syrian opposition members who had gone missing in Lebanon, calling such accusations "unfounded."

"I am puzzled by these unfounded claims that have been attributed to the police chief," the ambassador said.

He accused some Lebanese officials and MPs of seeking to undermine his country, where the regime of President Bashar Assad is in the throes of a brutal crackdown aimed at crushing an eight-month-long revolt.

Ali was referring to Internal Security Forces chief Maj. Gen. Ashraf Rifi who last week said that the ISF collected "dangerous information" linking the Syrian Embassy to the disappearance of Shebli al- Aisamy.

Aisamy, 86, is a co-founder of Syria's ruling Baath party who fled his native country in 1966 over political differences. He was last seen in May in the eastern Lebanese region of Aley.

Comments 21
Thumb thepatriot 18 October 2011, 12:04

You thug! You think our country is one of your provinces! Go to Hell!

Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) 18 October 2011, 12:29

Enough of this corrupted regime lies and their crimes against Lebanon, Lebanese and their own people, the region is much better off the criminals always.

Missing zoro 18 October 2011, 12:36

hahahah funniest guy ever a mokhabarat thug wearing a suit LOL

Default-user-icon JP (Guest) 18 October 2011, 12:48

Yes, Mr. Ambassador we the Lebanese must must appologize for accusing big brother. In any other country you would be called back to your country in protest or arrested for this crime committed in Lebanon.

Thumb jabalamel 18 October 2011, 13:18

this is even more hillarious than iran trying to kill saudi ambassador.

the halucinatory zionist information war department gets detached from the trush every day more and more.

Thumb geha 18 October 2011, 14:34

the syro/iranian days are counted :)

Thumb geha 18 October 2011, 14:40

the syro/iranian days are counted :)

Thumb thepatriot 18 October 2011, 15:18

you see zionist everywhere! You're sick!

Thumb jabalamel 18 October 2011, 16:00

and when you see iran everywhere (which you started even before i came here) than it's ok.


Thumb thepatriot 18 October 2011, 16:22

Don't you dare compare yourself to me!
I see you as an iranian when you express yourself as such. Not in every single post I make! You have a problem! Get over it already!

Default-user-icon T (Guest) 18 October 2011, 17:01

Iran IS everywhere ya jabal el habal and they declare it openly. Maybe you should go live there and appreciate the kind of 'freedom' the Iranian theocracy is making its people endure. I wonder how long you'll last. Besides people like you who are obsessed by the 'zionist' place give Israel a reason to exist

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 18 October 2011, 17:55

This Regime hired thug is a sample of what goes on in ASSad embassies all around the world where these thugs and criminals are made "Ambassdors" to represent the Syrians despite of them and spy and help murder Syrians and other nationals namely Lebanese abroad.Granted that these terror hubs scattered around the globe are "somehow" controlled (unlike in Lebanon) but they share this criminal thug's Stalinist mentality, and what is even more dangerous is that they enjoy "diplomatic immunity" A reason why all these spies and criminals of Assad throughout the free world should be kicked out as soon as possible, and the SNC needs to be recognized as the legtimate representative of free Syria. Of Course no Blank cheques to the SNC either they have to demonstrate that they embrace plurality. democracy, freedom of Speech, thought, and belief, and not just be another dictatorship waiting to happen (be it religious or otherwise).

Thumb Bandoul 18 October 2011, 18:54

Surely somewhere around Da7yeh there must be a competent pest control company that has the proper chemicals to irradicate all kinds of rodents and vermin running about. For the life of me I cannot figure out how jabal mhebeel keeps surviving all the sprayings and fumigation efforts.

I wonder if he is a personal friend of leader of Hzb El Kzb & Irhab and was given a gas mask while staying underground. Just wondering out loud.

Thumb Bandoul 18 October 2011, 18:56

The cries for freedom cannot be ignored, silenced and dissmissed forever. Eventually the tyrant in Syria will be caputred, tried and senctenced. I say: Goodbye and good riddance :)

I do not know whether or not the new and upcoming leadership in Syria will recognize Lebanon as a sovereign and free nation and respect the freedom of its people, but I sure hope that at minimum the flow of arms from Iran to Hzb El Kzb will come to a complete halt.

Hzb El Kzb is the enemy within and everything wrong with Lebanon today. They must surrender their weapons and submit to the rule of law and order ASAP.

Default-user-icon Georges from Lebanon in Syria (Guest) 18 October 2011, 20:43

The patriot, according to your grandparents it sure is one of syrias provinces. It hasent even been 100 years since the syrians of the lebanon started viewing themselves as a seperate people. Many still dont. So you can go to hell together with this guy.

Thumb shab 18 October 2011, 20:46

tick tock his smile will soon change

Default-user-icon ace (Guest) 18 October 2011, 22:54

George, according to the BIBLE, christ walked in LEBANON, not syria.. if you like them so much go live there then..

Thumb joesikemrex 19 October 2011, 02:41

Go swallow a goat or better still a grenade! Lebanon is free, Lebanon is ours, and justice will be served

Missing elielebnan 19 October 2011, 03:28

Embassador Ali is telling you what they did is according to the agreement between Lebanon and Syria. So he is implicitly admitting the kidnapping, but according to him the syrians behaved in line with the cooperation agreement betweenthe two countries!!

So if you want to rectify the situation, we need to take over the government, but this time we shouldn't care about a "national Unity government"..the hell with that. We need to nullify all the treaties between Lebanon and Syria, we need to change the army leadership, and yes, kick embassador Ali back to his country!!

Thumb Bandoul 19 October 2011, 07:11

Faja2tak moo? Ya sayed Ali we aren't the sheep we used to be...we went and got an education and realized you and your ilk are pathological liars.

This darabni w'baka, sab2ni w'shtaka method is no longer effective. Yalla yalla back to your cave, tell your master the lot of you are about to be captured, jailed, prosecuted and sentenced by people you oppressed for 50 years.

Thumb Bandoul 20 October 2011, 20:13

Ooooooooops, can you please please please learn from the mistakes of the other tyrants say like the one in Libya as to what happens in the heat of the momment when liberators capture you and your leader??? If I were you, I would get into a different line of work and immigrate to venzuela. There you can hod talks and comiserate with chavez., at least you would escape certain and horrific death.