Nusra Front Vows to Target Hizbullah Stronghold, Staunch Supporters

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Al-Qaida-affiliate al-Nusra Front reiterated threats to target Hizbullah's stronghold, accusing it of supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and committing atrocities against Sunnis in Syria.

“The assaults that Hizbullah is committing against Sunnis in Syria are not a secret anymore... Our target at this stage is to attack the Iranian party's strongholds,” al-Nusra Front said via Twitter.

It labeled Hizbullah staunch supporters as a “legal target,” warning Lebanese of slipping into a losing battle and urging them to take a lesson from the war raging in Syria.

“Don't let Hizbullah make you pay the price of its crimes... The Sunnis have pledged not to return to their homes until they avenge those who treated them with unjust,” the statement continued.

Hizbullah is a close ally of the Syrian regime and has been fighting alongside government troops against an uprising there.

Its involvement has helped the army to recapture key territory, but drawn the ire of many in Lebanon.

Its direct participation in the Syrian conflict has prompted hard-line Sunni radicals to lash out against Shiite communities in Lebanon.

“We have only engaged in battles to fortify the ruling of Allah and prevent oppression against the week, and at this stage we are exerting efforts to compel the Nusairi enemy and its allies to retreat,” al-Nusra Front continued in its statement.

The group said: “We haven't lost the path of jihad and we will not lose it by drawing harm on Sunnis in (the northeastern border town of) Arsal and Lebanon and we will avert it when it's required.”

Arsal, a predominantly Sunni area, backs the uprising against Assad.

The town lies 12 kilometers from the border with Syria and served as a key conduit for refugees, rebels and wounded people fleeing strife-torn Syria. But the Lebanese army stepped up it's security measures in the village to stop infiltrations.

It was overran in August by gunmen belonging to the two al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), who withdrew from the town by taking several soldiers and policemen hostage. Four have been so far executed.

The jihadists remain entrenched on the outskirts of Arsal on the porous Syrian-Lebanese border.

Concerning the latest round of battles in the northern port city of Tripoli, al-Nusra Front stressed that “the brothers (Sunnis) didn't commence the battles with the army... but they were merely defending themselves, families and Sunni neighborhoods, which angered Hizbu Allat.”

The group also accused Hizbullah of inciting the army against the Sunnis in Tripoli, noting that al-Nusra Front was updated about the details of the attack in Tripoli.

Dozens of people were killed and injured in October when militants engaged in clashes with the military in Tripoli, Bhannine and surrounding areas.

Scores of suspects linked to the unrest have been arrested.



Comments 8
Missing imagine_1979 16 March 2015, 08:38

Why would they do this, why???? Hezbollah is batteling in syria irak yemen, putting banners of ya hussein allying with faylak badder, cousins from iraky millicia (as secular and progressist as hezbollah) continuing a conflict for the succession of the prophete radging for centuries and under the comand of progressist and modern ayatollah al khomaiini.. So why should fear repercussions in lebanon...
All bunch of retarded, they openely accuse ksa gulf countries (which might be very right) to back sunis fundentalism but them with their ya hussein, with their shiite millicia commiting massacres (videos are available on utube) under the banner of ya hussein, is normal and so secular...
U shitheads are dragging us in a sectarian war that most of us don't care about... U are supporting a fanatic party just as fanatic as da3ech or the zionist ideology...

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 March 2015, 11:16

blahblahblah... nusrats have been trying to do everything they can anyway, but Lebanese army + hezbollah collaboration have frustrated their bloody dreams and will continue to do so. This new threat sounds like a desperate way to try to make themselves sound relevant.

And oh by the way, they're al qaeda, remember? So try not too support them too openly, like you're doing here to try to find them excuses and justify their terrorist urges.

Thumb joebustani 16 March 2015, 11:49

bless anyone person, entity, organization, brigade or country that inflicts pain and suffering, death, torture, and destruction upon the iranian sectarian terrorist militia and its members, supporters or followers wherever they may be.

Thumb Mystic 16 March 2015, 12:40

Going to look forward to see this. They should not be too happy these Nusra, they will soon meet their creator the shaitan.

What are they going to bomb this time? More civilians that is, if they manage to get past security, which is going to be hard for them

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 16 March 2015, 13:27

Al-Qaida-affiliate al-Nusra Front
just read the first word and the reality is in front of your eyes
hope naharnet say about isil also terrorists not jihadists
god bless democracy

Thumb -phoenix1 16 March 2015, 15:13

This what I have to say to Al Jursa or better known as Al Nusra plus its evil ally IS: You want to fight Hezbollah in Syria, well, may Hezbollah kick you hard in the butt, but should you try Lebanon, ahhhhh, then know it that this kick will be administered even harder, a lot harder, and you know well why.

Default-user-icon bankrupt.phoenix (Guest) 16 March 2015, 15:25

old man at it again

Default-user-icon answer (Guest) 16 March 2015, 15:24

because your army protects and allows your sectarian militia to come kill us in Syria.
because your heroic army (Nah) arrests everybody who opposes Assad .
because your army is holding many of our fighters hostage.