Aoun Denies Pushing to Appoint Son-in-Law as Army Chief

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun has denied that he proposed his son-in-law Commando Regiment chief Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz to be appointed army chief.

“I am always criticized over my alleged intentions and thoughts,” Aoun told al-Akhbar newspaper in the second part of an interview published on Wednesday. “I never said I wanted him (Roukoz) army commander. Journalists said so.”

Aoun stressed that he had suggested five names and called for studying the file of each one of them to see who is the most competent to become army commander.

The FPM chief reiterated last month that a decision to extend the term of more than 20 officers in different posts violates the adopted norms.

His stance reportedly came as a result of a decision by Defense Minister Samir Moqbel not to include the name of Roukoz on the list of extension.

Roukoz's tenure ends in October 2015 while the term of army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji expires at the end of September.

Asked how close he thought he is to Baabda Palace, Aoun said: “As close as an agreement among the Lebanese.”

The FPM chief said in the first part of the interview that was published on Tuesday that reaching the country's top Christian post has never become his ultimate objective.

“It is the means to achieve what we aspire for … The country is moving like a lost ship that needs a compass,” he said.

In Wednesday's interview, he expressed optimism on the FPM dialogue with the Lebanese Forces. “There are difficulties of course and things need time,” Aoun said.

FPM and LF officials are holding talks to set the stage for a meeting between Aoun and LF leader Samir Geagea, who are both presidential candidates and whose rivalry is partly to be blamed for the vacuum at Baabda Palace.

Their meeting will be preceded by the announcement of a document that the two parties are drafting.

“Ninety percent of Christians want dialogue,” Aoun told al-Akhbar.

Asked about his ties with al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri, Aoun said relations improved after their last meeting in Beirut.

He also said that Hariri has changed.

“Fighting terrorism brought together antagonists,” Aoun added.



Comments 26
Thumb EagleDawn 11 March 2015, 09:02

Asked how close he thought he is to Baabda Palace, Aoun said: “As close as an agreement among the Lebanese.”

in other words, his chances are zilch, nothing, zero.

Thumb Mystic 11 March 2015, 09:51

That's not what rumors say at the moment. He is the most popular candidate so far.

Default-user-icon jaafar ibn iblees (Guest) 11 March 2015, 10:13

is that a martyred jihadi iranian terrorist familia in your avatar?

Thumb -phoenix1 11 March 2015, 14:00

No Mystic, Aoun is the least popular, the fool simply believes in the lies he is given.

Thumb Mystic 11 March 2015, 18:28

There has been a huge spotlight on Gen. Aoun lately, there are considerations among factions that he might get Presidency already. Yes gentlemen, your worst nightmare might happen. Lebanon will get a Resistance President God willing.

Missing rami 11 March 2015, 11:15

Who wants an 80 year old president on a walker?

Thumb justin 11 March 2015, 11:38

hezbollah and Iran

Default-user-icon letifa (Guest) 11 March 2015, 12:13

the country is crippled, why not have a senile for president...

Thumb freedomarch 11 March 2015, 13:09

RAMI, electric wheelchair, Brain connection to a laptop, can help, our new, to be , forced, president, and then it will be easy for him to get instructions, via, Revolutionary Guards, no need to worry every thing will be controlled from the outside anyway.

Thumb sophia_angle 11 March 2015, 09:19

General-President ... frankly i like General nickname more..we need 'rejel' to fill the presidency post enough shadows!
'mabadna gheir el 3imad ra2is el jamhouriye!!!' :)

Thumb -phoenix1 11 March 2015, 19:09

If il haribeh hiyyeh tilteyn il roujouleh, laken Allah yihdik.

Thumb ex-fpm 11 March 2015, 10:32

of course he is not pushing his son-in-law for Army Command just as much he is not pushing himself for the presidency and his other son-in-law (basil) for being a minister for the last 8 years.

Default-user-icon Roukuz (Guest) 11 March 2015, 11:16

yes, he wants me to be army commander but he is not saying it publicly

Default-user-icon Je Suis the_roar (Guest) 11 March 2015, 12:22

As a Shia follower of Khomeini I will forgive & pray for those who insult my Lord, Sayyed Hassan Nassrallah.

Default-user-icon mahdi firuz berhouz (Guest) 11 March 2015, 11:14

hahaha! Even my boss laughed so hard at your comment above. He always speaks very highly of you. He wants us all to emulate you flamesrower. Somesing Anazar!

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 11 March 2015, 11:41

FT = the most informative poster this site has ever seen by a country mile
No wonder his posts are removed within minutes of them being posted.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 11 March 2015, 12:26

the most qualified should be the head of the army
god bless democracy

Thumb freedomarch 11 March 2015, 13:20

I had the same symptoms, wow what a relief. AS long as you see this and run on time No Problem. Don't get me wrong, This General might be the best we have the only problem he is tarnished by his father in law s politics, good or bad.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 11 March 2015, 13:46

People don't think it time for the new generation to take back this country these so called leaders have failed in every aspect i'm sure we the younger life loving generation can do a much better job lebanon is a very much untapped country, this country should be thriving with tourism not terrorism we are an intelligent race our asset is the young and the educated lets take back lebanon .

Missing Je_suis@libonase 11 March 2015, 13:59

I agree to a point but i believe a lot of our brightess are migrating to other countries as well and the benefits these countries are getting are to the detriment of lebanon , we seem to be all ways going around in circles with these leaders don't get me wrong i'm sure most have lebanon's interest at heart but unforntunately they seem to cowtow to outside influences which in turn renders them useless to lebanon.

Missing Je_suis@libonase 11 March 2015, 14:01

Sorry ( kowtow )

Missing trigger 11 March 2015, 14:55

as much as we might hate michel aoun, we have to put our love and hate issues aside and be clear and honest.
in my opinion the only person capable and deserving of the army command is shamel roukouz.

Thumb marcus 11 March 2015, 15:11

really? based on what? and do you know enough generals in the army to make this conclusion?

Default-user-icon the sarge (Guest) 11 March 2015, 15:24

As much as I love general aoun and his path, I've been his companion sincethe early 80s, fought under his command in souk el gharb and during the liberation and uniting thd rifle wars, I drove the m113 that he ran away in while cradling his wet, scared, shaking and crying body all the way to the French embassy, was with him in paris and came back with him and I'm now in charge of preparing his daily medication, I gotta be honest and clear he's ruined any chance for general shamel roukoz to become head of the army, in fact I was chatting with general roukoz and he told me how pissed he was as general aoun's meddling and how he ruined his chance. He said he understood why sami nadef left.

Default-user-icon the sarge (Guest) 11 March 2015, 15:24

Nader not nadef

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 11 March 2015, 19:58

Aoun Denies pushing to appoint son-in-Law as Army Chief. He also denied having a comb-over, "I never said I have a comb-over, journalists said so. As you can see I have a full healthy head of hair, you can even call it a perm" he said as he ran his fingers through his head.