Change and Reform Ministers: I Voted for Jeita Grotto

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Ministers loyal to Change and Reform bloc MP Michel Aoun entered the cabinet session at Baabda palace on Wednesday wearing t-shirts in support of Jeita Grotto’s bid to become a new natural wonder.

The t-shirts read: “I voted for Jeita Grotto.”

The natural site is a candidate for the new Seven Natural Wonders competition.

The initiative, organized by the New7Wonders Foundation, started in 2007 to create a list of seven natural wonders chosen by people through a global poll.

Jeita Grotto is a set of interconnected limestone caves. A river runs through the two caves referred to as the lower cave and the upper galleries. The grotto is the longest cave complex in the Middle East with a height difference of 305 meters.

The longest stalactite in the world is found in the grotto’s White Chamber.

Comments 13
Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 06 October 2011, 09:08

The ImBassil is becoming an environmentalist! Remember that Fattoush during the Hraoui days stole almost an exclusivity contract to get a long term concession to exploit the grotto, against very tiny royalties for the state. That was done through a small consulting German company run by his nephew! This clown has done more harm to the environment than all other members of Gov united, by quarrying savagely our mountain peaks and sharing initially with whoever was in power then (the syrians probably to start with), the benefits of this environmental crime.
In any case, they woumd rather wear T shirts bearing: Down with the Nazi Assad, Long live Bellemare!

Default-user-icon George (sydney) (Guest) 06 October 2011, 09:47

they should have worn T-shirts saying:

" I voted for high voltage power cables through the Mansouriyeh"

Hypocrites they are.

Thumb thepatriot 06 October 2011, 11:25

Galapagos are trying to buy them off for 1,000$ each. Grand Canyon offered them 1,500$...bah, they usually are cheaper than that...

Thumb jabalamel 06 October 2011, 11:57

this is about jeita grotto and still some people can't get away from pathetic

Thumb thepatriot 06 October 2011, 12:12

The idea was that these people would sell their country for a penny ya ahbal!
It is not Nancy Ajram wearing the Tshirt in case you hadn't noticed!

Missing carl_mtl 06 October 2011, 14:16

Nice initiative! finally some people trying to send a nice image of Lebanon to the world! trying to make a difference! and trying to get Lebanon back on track after 25 years of corruption!

Default-user-icon Jean (Guest) 06 October 2011, 14:43

When citizens like "Truth" cannot separate politics from environment, art, etc. It's time to declare a national day for ignorant people to go and get educated.

When will the Lebanese stop bringing in politics into religion, art, environment.

It seems they do not know that there is more to life than politics. Living La vida loca.

Thumb thepatriot 06 October 2011, 15:03

Check out habal's posts on the article related to Steve Jobs death if you really want to read something pathetic!

Thumb thepatriot 06 October 2011, 15:09

Don;t make a fool of yourself! The article above is about demagogy! Not about culture!!

Thumb jabalamel 06 October 2011, 15:21

the filthy zionist information war department is still pushing enviorment subject into political one.

the more they try, the more mind sick they are

Default-user-icon Voyager (Guest) 06 October 2011, 16:45

Oh how cute those Aounists really are......!

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 06 October 2011, 16:48

My dear Jean, politcians who back criminals, and associate with environmental-killers, cannot pretend to uphold civilised symbols, and take any credit whatsoever for such high-media profile contests, mobilising the civilised world!

Missing sikoflebanon 06 October 2011, 16:53

Jeita grotto one of the 7 natural wonders of the world???? There are hundreds of grottoes around the world far larger and far more interesting than the underdevelopped grotto of Jeita and the cool thing about them is that they're not in jeita!!!
some stupid organization invents a prize recognized only by it and stupid lebanese politicians take advantage of it to pull a PR stunt on the stupider lebanese people!
More ridicule from the land of ridicule!