March 14 Slams Cabinet for ‘Hiding its Head in Sand’ Over Syrian Infiltration

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The March 14 forces have criticized the government for remaining silent on the infiltration of Syrian troops into territories in eastern Lebanon, saying they will question the cabinet over its behavior.

High-ranking March 14 sources told An Nahar daily published on Wednesday that the official stance from Syrian infringement on Lebanese sovereignty is similar to “hiding the head in the sand rather than taking the initiative to give information and adopting the right approach” to solve the problem.

The opposition “will question the government on its behavior and hold it responsible for any harm inflicted on the Lebanese citizens and their properties in addition to the Syrian families that have taken refuge in Lebanon to escape oppression and killing,” the sources said.

They urged Lebanese authorities to take “preventive measures” to stop any international attempt to target Lebanon by “direct or indirect sanctions” over the events in Syria.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Muhamad (Guest) 05 October 2011, 08:44

March 14, you are my heros. This government should resign for its corruption andfailure to protect the national security. where are the resistance lies over their concern in this regard, theentre resistance is a complete lies and war crimes against the Lebanese democracy and freedom. Let the resistance show its fake muscles now when the Syrian tanks ar entering Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 05 October 2011, 13:44

Syrian troops are helping the Lebanese troops and the National guard " Hezb " to get rid from that desease called islamic fanatism , financed and equiped by KSA and the Sunni hariri , father and son .

They will never succeed to establish a Hariristan or a Sunni Salafi wahhaby emirate in Lebanon nor in Syrie , what they call Belad el Sham .

We are greatful to President Assad and to the Syrian army , for the effort they are making , to establish democracy and Laïcity in Lebanon and in Syria .

M 14 dont exist anymore , Saad has fled the country , many of his aids will follow him soon , like Sanioura & co , before the Lebanese Justice arrests them for corruption and murder .

Default-user-icon Luban Awalan (Guest) 05 October 2011, 17:46

We expected the Fake Resistance to stop all invasions,, or this one is considered a brother's incursion ( Subhyi),,
Do we have an army to protect us as they say,,
or better who is the Commander in Chief of that army ?? is the envoy of the Syrian Dictator dictating ...

Missing peace 05 October 2011, 22:00

every time a people revolts against a regime, this regime shouts that it is due to foreign forces that are trying to destabilze the country...just look throuh history and you ll see it is true.
so le phenicien think about that ... what is happening in syria has nothing to do with what you claim...except to repeat your masters propaganda like a faithful little dog...

M8 won t do a thing and even tells us that nothing is going on in Syria because they would lose everything if bashar falls, the dogs won t have a master anymore....

Default-user-icon Roddani (Guest) 06 October 2011, 00:06

I am not sure what the government is doing. What I know is that Syria is doing what it is doing. So spare us your farts and your farticious dreams. Daddy missed you and is paying you a visit. Long time no see. What more do you want?