Berri from Armenia: International Powers Targeting Arab Regimes to Subject Them to Their Will

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Speaker Nabih Berri criticized on Tuesday the international community’s “double standards” in dealing with Israel, accusing it of having hidden agendas in the Middle East.

He said before the Armenian parliament: “International decision-makers are placing all Arab regimes in the position of the accused in order to subject them to their will.”

“They are is seeking to weaken Arab states, one country at a time,” he added.

“Of course we don’t oppose granting the people their rightful demands for democracy and transparency, but we cannot but confront powers” seeking to manipulate these demands for their own interests, the speaker continued.

Addressing Palestine’s U.N. bid to be recognized as an independent state, Berri remarked: “The developments in the region indicate that a long time will pass before stability is reached in the region.”

“The Middle East will not witness peace and the Palestinians will continue on having the right to keep a comprehensive popular resistance, as do the Lebanese against Israeli violations,” he stressed.

“Syria also has the right to maintain its resistant positions in attempting to restore the occupied Golan Heights,” he noted.

“I had previously warned that Israel is seeking to evade its obligations towards fair and comprehensive peace … and facts have demonstrated that peace that is not based on justice is doomed to fail,” he stated.

“Lebanon and Syria are committed to the basic principles and values that can guarantee their national sovereignty and right to take advantage of their natural resources,” he remarked.

Given Israel’s ongoing violations of international resolutions, Lebanon has the right to hang on to its resistance, Berri said.

“Abandoning the Resistance would invite Israel to occupy our land,” he cautioned.

The speaker also welcomed the negotiations between Armenia and Turkey that were launched in 2008, saying: “We object neighboring countries’ efforts to overpower the other and we oppose meddling in the internal affairs of any state.”

“Attempting to create sectarian strife in Syria, or any other state, will negatively impact the region and pave the way for its division,” he warned.

“All sides should have an interest in making Syria a model country for the Middle East through the establishment of a modern democratic system there that can confront Israeli aggression and provide the necessary balance to achieve fair and comprehensive peace in the region,” he stressed.

On Lebanese-Armenian ties, the speaker noted that despite the solid ties between the peoples of the two nations, the economic and commercial ties between the two states do not reflect the depth of the relations between Lebanese and Armenians.

Berri, accompanied by MPs Mohammed Raad and Arthur Nazarian, began a three-day visit to Armenia on Monday.

Comments 12
Missing allouchi 04 October 2011, 14:53

Berri you are nothing outside of Lebanon and only a corrupt thug inside. If it weren’t for your terror and hizballa militias you will be a nobody. People like you defend regimes like Syria because Syria made you. You should be put on trial for war crimes, theft, corruption and being a traitor. You don’t represent the decent, patriotic Lebanese so go back to your corrupt amal militia and shut the heck up.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 04 October 2011, 14:58

esteez remembered golan hights and as always the etenal paravan , "adou el sahyuni", but u forgot el imam el moughayab and ur mentor:khadafi.

Default-user-icon rami kremesti (Guest) 04 October 2011, 15:05

whatta loser ....

Thumb benzona 04 October 2011, 15:51

+1000 allouchi

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 04 October 2011, 17:54

Is he talking abut Iran?

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 04 October 2011, 17:56

If the March 8 supporters want corruption trials for the March 14 then don't forget Berri, the most corrupt of all. Also claiming that he respects people's rights to democracy while also saying it's a conspiracy and foreign intervention is a contradiction. Why would the west be weakening its own allies? The governments of Yemen, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia were all allied with the west so why would the west bring them down to replace them with unpredictable democratic ones?

Syria is currently the only non western allied Arab country facing revolution. Can't people see clearly that these are locally born and genuine revolutions? The Syrians aren't revolting for the Palestinian cause they're standing up for their own cause. I'm pretty sure they care more about Syria than they do about Palestine.

Missing peace 04 October 2011, 18:39

in the 1960s the regime of apartheid also said that the struggle of the black south africans was carried out by foreign states and terrorists...

so nothing new when it comes to lies from dictatorships and their dogs!!!!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 04 October 2011, 18:41

Berri: Armenia doesn't give two shits about Israel Palestinians or any Arab issue bc they're not Arab...ur in Armenia, talk ABOutthe Armenian lebanese. Vow support to them. Their accomplipshments. Create FRIENDSHIPS. Don't just spew ur useless propaganda which is laughed at everywhe besides dahieh jezzine and jnoub

Default-user-icon Voyager (Guest) 04 October 2011, 19:39

what is this Shiite thug doing in Armenia and who authorized his useless trip?

Missing youssefhaddad 04 October 2011, 23:39

Arab regimes are indefensible because they are totalitarian and oppressive to varied degrees. Foreign interference or not, the Arabs should be freed first from the grip of sectarian belonging and second from the yoke of their lifetime dictators.
Accusing the US and the "Zionists" of being the cause of all the miseries in the Arab world is an old worn out excuse to cover the failed leaderships in the Arab world.

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 05 October 2011, 01:15

The Thieving Thug Berri is hoping to exploit a knee jerk reacton of the Armenians (traditionally against the Turks) to muster some support, the Armenians need to act wisely this freedom protest is not about Turkey or their Historic bad blood with it, this is about a people (including Armenian Syrians) wanting to depose a Criminal Dictatorship regime that has killed, opressed and robbed them and the Lebanese for more than Fourty years. The Armenians should be on the right side of History. They are as big a stakeholder as the Syrian and Lebanese people themselves. This thief Berri is just looking to use them for his and his criminal masters end, he wants to evade accountability for all his corruption and crime and his selling of his country to the Syrian dictatorship. Armenia should call on the Syrians of Armenian descent to join their brothers in the Syrian revolution to get rid of the criminal Assads that have not discriminated in the brutal oppression of the Syrian people.

Thumb jabalamel 05 October 2011, 02:03

the zionist information war department has seen news with berri inside and they had to fill their quota on sectarian hatred, lunacy and all the other unmistakeable signatures of their posts