Syrian Opposition Forms United Common Front
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Syrian opposition movements meeting in Turkey said in a statement on Sunday they had formed a common front uniting all groups that oppose the regime of President Bashar Assad.
"The Syrian Council is open to all Syrians. It is an independent group personifying the sovereignty of the Syrian people in their struggle for liberty," Paris-based Burhan Ghalioun told reporters.
"The council rejects any outside interference that undermines the sovereignty of the Syrian people," he added.
Ghalioun, a France-based academic, had recently been designated leader of opposition group the National Transitional Council, which has Islamist and nationalist supporters.
The new opposition grouping announced on Sunday unites Syrian opposition movements across the political spectrum, and includes the Local Coordination Committees which groups activists on the ground, liberals, and the long-banned Muslim Brotherhood as well as Kurds and Assyrians.
Representatives of Syria's six-month-old protest movement and opposition had been meeting since Friday to forge a united front against Assad's regime which the U.N. says has killed at least 2,700 people since protests erupted in mid-March.

this means the opposition will now get serious weapons and support to oust this regime :)
bybye bashar and soon his hizbushaitan thugs.

Good progress. The democracy movement will topple the donkey only when they unite, and when they bring the groups under a secular umbrella. It will be somewhat messy, but it is inevitable.

"The Syrian Council is open to all Syrians" especially those who want to normalize relationships with Israel, such as the best friends of the Lebanese Mr. Abdul Halim Khaddam and Rifaat al Assad. These guys were so nice to Lebanon while they were in charge of the Lebanon Dossier!!! I understand how difficult it must have been to some Lebanese when the Syrian boots were lifted off their necks, especially the present-day Christian Sunnis (they were Christian Syrians before, and Christian Israelis before that) who got the longest and thickest end of the stick while their present-day Sunni brothers of cheikh Imbecile were Syria's benefactors, The soles of these boots are clearly marked inside their heads, not only their necks, that they miss those good old days and can no longer function without them. They want them back here and next door. m3alla2in bi 7bel el hawa

"somewhat messy"
this is how zionist information war department describes civil war.

The Syrian regime is near its end..
That will also spell the end of jabalamel's rambling on comments on every article...

Assad has 3 to 6 months left. Bye Bye to him and his killer regime. The Hezz will be naked after that. The shabiha is largely from the Hezz. The new Syrian gov't will not forget what Nessy did there.

Dear zionist_information_war_department,
Does Jabal work for you as an implant? he sure makes the Hezbollah crowd look like fumbling idiots.
Executive Director, ZWID (not to be mistaken for ZIWD)

Once again, the same idiot who since 2005 has been predicting Assad's final days now says he has 3 to 6 months left, not 2 to 5, not 1 to 7, 3 to 6, that's how precise he is now and has been since 2005. Does this idiot not realize that one can say a lot of things without really sounding like an idiot? But I guess one has to be a retard not to know. Keep up with your retarded predictions, a la Dr. Samir Falso. te3tir

بالرغم من أن مخاض المجلس الوطني الإنتقالي كان طويلاً وولادته كانت عسيرة، فإن مجيئه إلى الحياة يعتبر قفزة نوعية في حياة الثورة السورية، لأن هذه الثورة التي أثبتت للنظام أن جذوتها لن تخمد برغم سعير القتل والتنكيل و بذلك اكتسبت ثقة العالم و تقديره، أصبحت اليوم بأمس الحاجة إلى قيادة سياسية ترسم لها أفقها المستقبلية و تحضر للمرحلة الإنتقالية بعد سقوط النظام. و لكن مما لاشك فيه أن الصعوبات التي تعيق عمل هذا المجلس مازالت عديدة وعسيرة.

some lowlife nerd promoted himself as executive director.
he's in big trouble when his real boss comes in
p.s. the zionist information war department has failed in predictions so far now they extended the deadline for assad leaving.