Monaco's Charlene: Royal Twins Born by Cesarean

Princess Charlene of Monaco has revealed that the royal twins born last week were delivered by cesarean section — two weeks before they were due, and she hopes to be out of the hospital by Christmas.
The South Africa-born new mother of two has given her first interviews to French media since the Dec. 10 births — 15 days early — that captivated the tiny principality.
Charlene, 36, told Paris Match magazine "First of all I was happy to hear their first cries."
"I'm recovering from the cesarean and the little ones that came a bit prematurely are doing well," Charlene said. "They're growing each day and gaining weight. It's quite a classic procedure in this situation to be monitored in the hospital for a few more days," Charlene said.
She says she hopes to show off hereditary heir Prince Jacques and his older sister — by 2 minutes — Gabriella to the world at the beginning of next week, and hopes to be out of hospital in time to celebrate Christmas with her husband, Prince Albert.
Albert is the son of the late Hollywood star-turned princess, Grace of Monaco.