Erdogan Vows 'No Free Rein for Israel in Mediterranean'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed Thursday in Tunisia that his navy would patrol the Mediterranean and keep Israel in check.
"Israel will no longer be able to do what it wants in the Mediterranean and you'll be seeing Turkish warships in this sea," Erdogan said after a meeting with his Tunisian counterpart Beji Caid Essebsi.
Erdogan reiterated his insistence on an Israeli apology for last year's raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left nine pro-Palestinian activists dead, all of them Turks or of Turkish origin.
"Relations with Israel cannot normalize if Israel does not apologize over the flotilla raid, compensate the martyrs' families and lift the blockade of Gaza," the Turkish prime minister said.

mowaten: i first informed the people about zionist information war department. so whenever you use that or similar terms, put in the brackets: copyright by jabal amel.
just kidding :) the filthy zionist militia information war department have been denying it's egzistance, however, the university from France analysed the messages on the forums, newsgroup and other internet places and proved that all the IP addresses come from one place in occupied palestine, and that place is filthy zionist military compound.
we have one egzample of filthy zionist militia here: "mustapha". he says iran is the goal is iran. who says that? would the lebanese say that? sure not. you may not like hezb'allah, you may even be lady gaga supporter you may be salafist from the north, but why would you put iran as your target? of couse something like that can only come from zionist information war department.

Israel watch out. The Turks, unlike the Nazi's, can commit genocides and get away with it. Their history with the Armenians has proven that.
Israel, be aware. The Turks are on the move.

mowatan of what? Iran? go and change the flag to Iran's.
Hzbulahh getting stronger on the Lebanese and a chicken to Isreal. and you don't have any Idea what you are talking about.. go back home to Iran

moaten look at my avatar, this is no thanks to the filthy hizb mossad, killer of Lebanese

Okay I've come to a conclusion:
Mowaten and Jamal Amel are the same person. If they are not, then it is evidence of the indoctrination and 1 dimensionality of the "pro iran/baath" axis.

"Relations with Israel cannot normalize if Israel does not apologize over the flotilla raid, compensate the martyrs' families and lift the blockade of Gaza,"
Don't hold your breath!
What else do you want from the Israelis? to go back to Europe?
hahaha what a clown
the abdel nasser of the 21st century

mowatey..... you went too far . It sounds to me like you are a biggot and hate Christians. There is no crusade going on here. You are pathetic and discusting. salfis are not christians they are moslems remember? why dont you watch your back and quit changing your name on here. People like you will be deported from the US soon. do you think they dont know where you are? you dug your own grave .

sunni, Im all for it, but how do you reply to someone who claims everyone of us is an israeli agent?

Is Religion the root of evil?
Zionists, crusaders, terrorists...
how about all of you who commented just go sleep with each others' sisters and in a hundred years we wont know who is what...
start with mowaten...w ray7ouna min kalemo....

why wont you let me post my comment??????
ll try to work around it then...
is rel igion the root of all ev il?
terro rists..... zion ists.... crus aders....
how about all of you who commented just go .... each .....sisters and in a hundred 300 years....we wont know who is what
start with mowaten...w ray7ouna min kalemo il's because of people like that, we cant live in our country and we cant live outside it. - due to our nationality...

There is no more hypocrite and opportunist than the phony Erdogan and his fundamentalist Sunni party-in-western-clothing. The fake Erdogan is trying every trick in the book to get Israel to apologize, and then if and when Israel will, they will once again become best friends only to tell those he is using to go to hell. m3alla2in bi 7ibal al hawa. LOSERS.

jabal regarding the copyright issue, I was the first to mention the filthy militia, you have copied. For us Lebanese, there is no difference between the filthy non-Islamic militia and the IDF. Both are killers

mowaten's sister you say?? Hmmm... never done it with a hairy one before.....
I'M getting soooooooooooooooooo cesored any minute now!!!!