Abadi: Lebanon Will Not Witness Security Unrest


Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon Ghazanfar Rokn Abadi stressed that the Islamic republic enjoys good ties with all Lebanese factions, including the Mustaqbal movement.

He told Ad Diyar daily in remarks published on Sunday: “Some positions and statements don’t serve the historic ties between Lebanon and Iran, which we should bolster in all fields.”

“Lebanon is enjoying a period of stability and I don’t expect it to witness any security unrest,” he added.

“I don’t believe that Israel wants to wage another war against Lebanon and if it does, it will be defeated,” he stressed.

Addressing Lebanese-Iranian ties, Abadi said that Iran is eager to help Lebanon in drilling for offshore oil.

“Iran still respects its vow to help Lebanon set up electricity projects,” he continued.

Commenting on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, the ambassador said: “We oppose the politicization of justice.”

On the situation in Syria, he remarked: “Iran and Turkey are in agreement that Syria’s stability should be maintained.”

“Iran stands by the people in their demands for reform. We pride ourselves in supporting Syria, which is allied with the Resistance against Israel,” Abadi stressed.

Comments 11
Missing small.axe 28 August 2011, 10:32


"We control the Hezbollah division of the Quds Force, and Hezbollah's arms control Lebanon. We urge you to only believe what Nasrallah says, since we control him. Do not believe those who challenge Iranian control over Lebanon."

"The STL is about to prove Iran's and Hezbollah's guilt in the murders of Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Eid and others. We urge everyone to disregard the STL or else we will disrupt stability in Lebanon."

"We will tell Hezbollah not to throw another rock at Israel, because we got spanked really bad in 2006"

"Since we control Lebanon, we urged Aoun and Bassil to to push the electricity plan. We hope to be the contractor and build the new $700 million power plant for $5 billion. We will steal lots of money from that"

"We killed our peaceful protesters in Iran, and now we are showing Syria how to do it too. But we will pretend we agree with the people just in case Assad is overthrown."

Thumb benzona 28 August 2011, 12:12

If the Master said so, then the puppet will behave accordingly!

Thumb joesikemrex 28 August 2011, 12:17

Mmmm, blah blah bloh blah blah blah, and only some leaders in a sect answers to your dirty money, stay out of our Lebanon, we know your tactics well and we are not sheep

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 28 August 2011, 16:14

Send him back to Tehran with Nasrallagh and Aoun, berri

Default-user-icon Wake up orange (Guest) 28 August 2011, 19:48

This is meddeling in Lebanon's internal issues... Where is Michel Aoun? why he doesn't say a word about this? unless he's paid to oppose certain countries?

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 28 August 2011, 19:50

Is he the new Head of Army Intelligence??? Or is he our new ruler???

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 28 August 2011, 19:57

Do we start learning Farsi in Lebanon???

Default-user-icon Clint (Guest) 29 August 2011, 09:32

Do not worry about our frustration mitwali.
we always ease it every time el morba3 el amni becomes mosata7 amni.

Missing roger@10452 29 August 2011, 09:43

Ya Metwali, I strongly suggest that you be VERY careful.
Hassouni is only manipulating aoun the idiot and the Shiite sect which is very shameful.

DO NOT EVER consider the fact that we want to build a strong state as a sign of weakness. I hope you really study this message very hard and pass it on to your hizb fellows. Many before you tried and we know what happened to them.


Thumb shab 29 August 2011, 12:21

Never in the history of Lebanon, even since dawn, has an army or a militia entered Lebanon, and not left her unaccomplished, failed, and severely humiliated. None has or will ever succeed.

Thumb thepatriot 29 August 2011, 16:48

@ Maria

No one is holding you back. Feel free to immigrate to Iran if you like them so much!