Fadlallah: We Cannot Depend on Telecom Data Alone in Hariri Case
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Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Hassan Fadlallah slammed on Thursday the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, saying that depending on telecommunications data alone as evidence is not enough in a case as sensitive as the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.
He said during a press conference on the indictment’s telecommunications data: “The tribunal, its decisions, and the investigation have created a dangerous divide in Lebanon.”
“We want the truth in the indictment’s scientific approach of the data and does this approach really lead us to the same findings as the indictment?” he wondered.
Fadlallah also questioned the reliability of telecommunications data, saying that they are based on a series of assumptions that can lead to hundreds of possibilities.
Furthermore, the MP stressed that the STL completely ignored United Nations findings that Israel had infiltrated Lebanon’s telecommunications sector, which could make it a suspect in the assassination.
The head of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Imad Hoballah added at the conference: “Israel’s infiltration of the sector has cost the data all of its credibility.”
He explained that the Jewish state would be capable of planting a phone line inside another, making the data adopted in the indictment unreliable.
The indictment was published on August 17 and its findings were mostly dependent on telecommunications data.
It has accused four Hizbullah members of being involved in the crime.
The party has announced that it would not cooperate with the tribunal, deeming it an American and Israeli product aimed at destroying it.
On Tuesday, the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad held a press conference to refute the indictment.
He said: “The Resistance will determine the way it will defend itself from the indictment and tribunal.”
He added: “We had stated in the past that this tribunal does not respect the minimum amount of standards of justice, it does not want to achieve the Lebanese people’s interests, and it has adopted circumstantial evidence.”
“Such a tribunal cannot be expected to achieve justice and we would not be surprised if it was employed for the interests of imposing foreign hegemony over Lebanon,” the MP continued.

He questions the reliability of telecommunications...hmm... if there were pictures, he would also question their authenticity...if there were testimonies, he would question their truthfulness, if there was a video tape he would call it a zionist editing...
Where does that take us?

We know that. But the idiots and losers, aka Hariri Mafia and his Christian Sunnis m3alla2in bi 7bal el hawa. Anything goes with them, even a farce named the STL, which stands for Suck This Lollipop.

" We Cannot Depend on Telecom. Data Alone " read the report you illiterate inbred child, that's why as the partial indictment clearly states they also have close circuit TV footage and eye witness , but you've already decided the suspects were saints that will live up to 300 years.ONE WAY TICKET !

That is one reason why the suspects must appear in court, so they can be questioned regarding their phone usage.
Why were the suspects personal mobile phones shown to be co-located with the phones of the hit team?
Why were the suspects personal mobile phones following Hariri's every movement for the months leading up to his assassination?
Do the suspects deny the calls made by their personal mobile phones (to corroborate the mobile phone data)?
Do the suspects deny being at the locations that their personal mobile phone showed them to be?
There are many ways to verify if the telecom date is accurate or not. Not only questioning the suspects, but also questioning family and friends of the suspects, to verify phone calls made by the suspects.
Even if the suspects do not appear in court, the telecom information will be proven beyond a shadow of doubt.

One question for Mr. divine Fadlalah and his party, if these phone are pagged by Israel to frame your party members why they all were carrying phones with stollen cards so that they were not idetified. Also, if the CBC report somene from Hizballah called Colonel Eid to admit that the numbers he was investigating were theirs and that is why he was killed. Also, I guess will have to rely more than on the ABu Addas story who Israel framed. Come on, sorry to tell you but your members, and indirectly your party of Hizballah, are accused terrorist and murderers who should be banned from Lebanese Parliament.

Ya dwarf, who told you the case is only built on telecom data? Mpve your a.s and plead in La Hague your case if you have solid grounds for that, or else shut your mouth up! Who are you catering for, televion A manar, your local newspapers, the members of the sect? Who? Do your bosses in Iran rely on more solid evidence to throw people in the dark? Far less than that is good enough to have a rope round your neck in the syrian democtratic republic, and the iranian democratic theocracy!

The purpose of questioning suspects is to be able to catch them incriminating themselves when they answer questions from the prosecution. That is why Hezbollah won't allow the suspects to be questioned.
If they were innocent, they could appear by video conference, without fear of being incarcerated.
Filthy murdering terrorists.

To come up with excuses like these,you are probably as guilty as they are..
Mr. Fadllalah,
Send them to the court with a good lawyer and prove they are innocent once and for all ...... It is a crime to cove and protect criminals ..... Just saying

Hey Fadllah, who ever said that it was only telecom data? The court has more evidence than that. The problem is that the group who did the crime got caught.