Miqati Not Worried Over Cabinet Fate
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Prime Minister Najib Miqati denied on Wednesday that the cabinet is under threat saying there is full solidarity among ministers despite a postponement of a session on the electricity crisis to September 7.
Following talks with Speaker Nabih Berri at the parliament, Miqati said the atmosphere of the government session held at Baabda palace was good.
Asked about the fate of the cabinet, the premier said the government should work on serving the people and the country.
“As long as it is carrying out this task, it will continue to exist,” he said in reference to warnings by Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun that he would withdraw his ministers from the cabinet if it doesn’t adopt a proposal to allocate $1.2 billion to build power plants that would generate 700 Megawatts of electricity.
Wednesday’s cabinet session, which lasted for only 10 minutes, was postponed to September 7 following Eid al-Fitr over lack of consensus among the ministers on the allocation of funds.

Ya Najib, stop lying to yourself, and stop lying to us!
You said before you formed your government that you will be proud of at least 10 of your Ministers...Which ones exactly??
They are a bunch of Jokers! This government is a failure. Keep what remains of your pride. RESIGN!

Poor guy, still in denial, isn't he? The Electricity bill is just a trojan horse, a ruse, an excuse for when Hezbollah is ready to implode the government that it created as a cover.
The STL is persistent in its pursuit and in its indictments. The TIME interview has put the heat on Mikati to turn up the persons indicted who are in Beirut. But a caretaker government can't do much of anything. Mikati and his government are on borrowed time. Nasrallah called this government into being and he will kill it when he is good and ready through the instrument of his dog, Michel Aoun under the pretext that Aoun didn't get his way on the Electricity Act.
And with Kadaffi going down, the people of Syria encouraged, the NATO air forces and the US Airforce about to be freed up to take on the Assad Regime, King Rat is digging in deeper and deeper into Lebanon.

the patriot, stop lying to yourself and stop lying to us. we know you are not patriot you are a traitor. or zionist pretending to be lebanese

akhhhh ya habal...give back this retarded brain they gave you...you got ripped off!! The only word that seem to come out of this filthy mouth is "zionist"...zionists and you are to be thrown in the same dirt bag dude!
Hmm...I think I like the image of that :D

keep on barking and howling with foam on your mouth...you are still a zionist.

Miqati's fate is tied directly yo Assad. Things don't look good. Miqati is also pushing against the international community by not arresting the STL suspects. This could land him in jail and Lebanon will have to pay a price for this.

I agree with thepatriot, send Miqati and his bunch of crooks to Mazze where they belong with their Syrian Brethren...Give them a one way ticket

@ habal
you think you're better than a zionist ya habal?? You're an extremist...just like them...same poop, different smell ;D

jabal amel, stop calling people Zionists you're gonna make the glorious resistance angry. After all they have the market cornered on Mossad agents what with the infestation they have been experiencing. In fact a wide raging poll has shown there are more Mossad agents named Ali than David, ask Abdo Saad.

Many Lebanese see that most of these ministers are closer to professional boxers than politicians ---with their fake rhetoric and anti STL bluster. All they are missing the Tarzan boxers . Mr Miqati the Appointed PM save your dignity and resign for your muppet master is to follow Gaddhafi Soon .