Bassil, Abou Faour Bicker on Technical Team, Authorities of Energy Minister
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Energy Minister Jebran Bassil has stressed that cabinet ministers have no longer excuses to reject a $1.2 billion electricity plan after he provided answers to the contentious clauses of the project.
“Everything has become clear,” Bassil said in remarks to As Safir daily published Wednesday.
He said the cabinet had the “last chance” to endorse the plan that earmarks $1.2 billion to the minister to build plants that would produce 700 Megawatts of electricity.
Bassil reiterated that the government will not exist without the approval of the project.
He also expressed surprise at the suggestion of ministers loyal to Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat at the formation of a technical team to follow up the implementation of the plan, saying according to the constitution the minister is the head of his administration.
“Despite all that, we are ready to discuss the issue if they expressed readiness to implement it in the remaining ministries,” Bassil told As Safir.
But PSP minister Wael Abou Faour defended the suggestion of ministers loyal to Jumblat, saying the formation of a technical commission does not limit the authority of the minister or diminish his role.
“It is natural to task a team of administrative management to such a vital project,” Abou Faour told As Safir.
The team would follow up the implementation of the project, protect the minister and guarantee the continuity of the plan no matter what changes occur in the country, he said.

Look at the picture, the two punks i the middle are seeking info how to operate a laptop

To Mr. CLOUN & Mr. IMBECILE, Go collect those $$Billions you need to solve Electricity problems from your Thieving Buddies, HIZBUSTAN, who have been STEALING Electricity for decades. And NOT from the Tax Payers who have been living by our Laws Unlike your Murdering friends who BEAT up on Innocent Priests, Bill Collectors, Government Representatives, Journalists....Their End is Near.

The Mafia gang (Sehnaoui/Nahas/Bassil) are not satisfied with the 300M$ deal to implement the broadband. The commissions they are getting with the fellow contractors they selected are not enough...They blocked the deal for years in order to fill up their pockets... Exit Emile Emile, Hello Sehnaoui/Nagas/Bassil...poor country...

Aoun used to accuse Saniora to commit a hold up on public finances, I think he's really going for the first price here, him and his son-in-law! The 1,2 bn being just a small first phase of a bigger robbery plan!