Assad: Military Action Repercussions Bigger Than Their Ability to Endure

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Sunday brushed aside Western calls for his ouster as "worthless," saying they come from "countries that are committing massacres," in an interview with state television.

"While withholding comment, we tell them that their words are worthless," Assad said.

“Such remarks should not be made about a president who was chosen by the Syrian people and who was not put in office by the West, a president who was not made in the United States, "he added.

The Syrian leader warned that “any military action against Syria will have repercussions that will be much bigger” than the West’s “ability to endure.”

“They expected that Syria would fall within weeks, but the Syrian people safeguarded Syria. Gunmen have intensified their operations, especially throughout last week, but I’m not worried about the security situation,” Assad said.

“Security authorities must confront any security problems in the country and this is the state’s duty,” he stressed.

Assad's television appearance is the first since June 20, and only his fourth since the start of pro-democracy demonstrations in mid-March.

More than 2,000 people have been killed in the crackdown against protesters, activists and U.N. figures show.

The Syrian regime insists the violence is the work of "armed terrorist gangs" backed by Islamists and foreign agitators.

"We have started to register some success on the security front and can say that the situation is now more reassuring," he said. "A political solution cannot be put in place if security is not preserved."

He said local elections would be held in December, to be followed by parliamentary polls in February after a new law on political parties comes into effect this week.

He also ruled out bowing to Western demands.

"When they speak of reforms, Western colonialist countries mean that we must give them everything they want, that we abandon resistance, that we abandon our rights ... They shouldn't even dream of it ... We will not bow."

U.S. President Barack Obama called on Thursday for Assad to stand down, a demand quickly echoed by the leaders of Britain, France and Germany and Spain.

“We have made use of dialogue in order to understand what the Syrian street wants and we will then move to the phase of discussing the constitution,” said Assad.

“Article 8 (of the constitution) is the core of the political system, and it wouldn’t be rational to amend only a certain article as tackling any article would require the tackling of the other articles, that’s why we must revise the constitution as a whole,” said Assad of Article 8, which stipulates that the Baath party is the sole "leader of state and society," giving it a monopoly on power.

“They tried to undermine Syria’s sovereignty following the (2005) assassination of (Lebanon’s former premier Rafik) Hariri, but they failed,” Assad noted.

“We enjoy self-sufficiency and the economic situation has improved and any embargo on Syria will be an embargo on all the countries of the region due to its geographic location, that’s why we will not be hit by hunger and we won’t worry because the alternatives are available and the international arena is not locked,” he added.

Addressing the relation with neighboring Turkey, Assad said: “We won’t allow any nearby or distant country to interfere in Syria’s domestic affairs, even if it was Turkey. We don’t know the intentions of Turkey, so we can’t have a stance.”

“I won’t tell the Syrian people that they will emerge stronger because they already know that. We are talking about 5,000 years of civilization. I am reassured and not worried … and I reassure all of those who are worried,” the Syrian leader said at the end of the interview.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:45

    Assad: I won’t tell the Syrian people that they will emerge stronger because they already know that. We are talking about 5,000 years of civilization. I am reassured and not worried and I reassure all of those who are worried.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:39

    Assad: We won’t allow any nearby or distant country to interfere in Syria’s domestic affairs, even if it was Turkey. We don’t know the intentions of Turkey, so we can’t have a stance.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:34

    Assad: We enjoy self-sufficiency and the economic situation has improved and any embargo on Syria will be an embargo on all the countries of the region due to its geographic location, that’s why we will not be hit by hunger and we won’t worry because the alternatives are available and the international arena is not locked.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:34

    Assad: Any military action against Syria will have repercussions that will be much bigger than the West’s ability to endure.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:30

    Assad brushed aside Western calls for his ouster as "worthless,"‎ saying they came from "countries that are committing massacres."

  • 21 August 2011, 21:29

    Assad: They tried to undermine Syria’s sovereignty following the assassination of Hariri, but they failed.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:18

    Assad: Parliamentary elections will be held in February 2012.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:16

    Assad: The parties law will be issued before Thursday by the panel drafting it and the electoral law will also be issued within the next few days. The transparency of elections will be boosted.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:15

    Assad: Municipal elections will be held in January.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:14

    Assad: The media law will be issued before the end of Ramadan.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:07

    Assad: Article 8 (of the constitution) is the core of the political system, and it wouldn’t be rational to amend only a certain article as tackling any article would require the tackling of the other articles, that’s why we must revise the constitution as a whole.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:05

    Assad: We have made use of dialogue in order to understand what the Syrian street wants and we will then move to the phase of discussing the constitution. There will be new laws and elections and this phase is sensitive and critical.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:05

    Assad: There is a debate over the mechanisms through which we can improve the role of political parties.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:03

    Assad: Security authorities must confront any security problems in the country and this is the state’s duty.

  • 21 August 2011, 21:01

    Syrian President Assad in an interview on state TV: They expected that Syria would fall within weeks, but the Syrian people safeguarded Syria. Gunmen have intensified their operations, especially throughout last week, but I’m not worried about the security situation.

Comments 47
Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 21 August 2011, 21:26

Bashar's interview with his government controlled TV station should be completely dismissed. He must be hallucinating if f he thinks he'll be able to stop the revolution. What is happening to Gadafi is being duplicated in Syria and Syria will win and the Alawite will lose.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (Guest) 21 August 2011, 22:08

Bla bla bla ....
Only when hell freezes over, Assad will carry meaningful reform in Syria..
The rest is all fluff

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 21 August 2011, 22:28

An interesting interview. Reminds me of ther Pravda during the Soviet era! No one is worried at this stage Mr President except you! Look over your shoulder, Ghaddafi is going to bite the dust any time now. Others to follow soon....

Missing startrip 21 August 2011, 22:48

Bashar, you are going down. You will be remembered as a worthless junior dictator. You chose family/sect power over democratic reforms, butchery and bloodletting over freedoms, the old guard from your father's days over the generation of new ideas. You are finished!

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 21 August 2011, 22:52

You could see the fear in his face and voice. Bashars' days are numbered , I only hope he will be taken to the Hague for a trial and to be made an example for our leaders in Lebanon/

Default-user-icon marie (Guest) 21 August 2011, 22:55

You could see the fear in his face and voice. Bashars' days are numbered , I only hope he will be taken to the Hague for a trial and to be made an example for our leaders in Lebanon/

Default-user-icon fartface (Guest) 21 August 2011, 22:57

I wonder what does Aoun make of this! Let us hear The General spit!

Default-user-icon Gabriel (Guest) 21 August 2011, 22:59

" President chosen by the Syrian people" What a disingeneous killer . What choices did they have after you killed anyone who might pose a threat to your leadership? . This criminal will soon be indighted on war crimes against humanity , against both Syrian and Lebanese . May he rot in hell along with all his hatchet men in Lebanon ( Hizbollah and SSNP)

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 21 August 2011, 23:00

Assad is lost and speaking irrationally like Nasrallah. He can't comprehend his world is collapsing because the people reject him and his article 8. Assad is in denial of losing his father's evil lagacy to him. His Alawite's and soon to be former security killers will be in real trouble soon.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (Guest) 21 August 2011, 23:10

I know how hard it should be for Bashar. After all during his father's reign of terror a lie did go a long way, now it is so hard to lie. He is trying but no one is buying.

Thumb bashir 21 August 2011, 23:15

Your father would be ashamed at how badly you have protected the family enterprise.

Enjoy your life in exile in Saudi Arabia.

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 21 August 2011, 23:15

kaddafi said the same thing a while ago. Look whats happening to him now.
your speach is a sign of your end. GO TO HELL.

Default-user-icon George Haddad (Guest) 21 August 2011, 23:23

I thought that Assad in his speech would come up with a viable solution to the blood shed and the violence that plagued Syria for more than 5 months without any sign of either party of succumbing to military pressure and oppression. I thought that Assad would have been wiser in predicting what’s going to happen if he continues using unnecessary force to stabilize the situation in Syria. Frankly speaking, if he didn’t go on TV it would have been much better for him. Siding aside all western powers and trashing their calls for him to step down would ultimately lead to hard times for him. If he really thinks things would be the same even if he prevails militarily then he’s short sighted and lacks risk assessment abilities.

In a nut shell: The whole TV interview was meaningless and a stupid idea if this is what he wanted to say.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 21 August 2011, 23:26

A foolish and weak attempt to cover the truth. Very similar to the speech of Nasrallah.He has weeks or a couple of months left. When his army splits and defects en masse, his demise will come quickly.

Thumb formidilosus 21 August 2011, 23:28

@ bashir
Assad is going to Iran my dear, even Saudi Arabia has shut its doors to him.

Default-user-icon hanna (Guest) 22 August 2011, 00:04

Saddam sends his regards.....

Default-user-icon Syrian (Guest) 22 August 2011, 00:05

It will be very interesting to see where Bashar would go, as this is where Nasralla will go one day. It may be Iran but I don't see how a Sunni dictator can live in a Shia stronghold, I still believe he may go to Saudi Arabia, whereas Hassouna can only go to Iran

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 22 August 2011, 01:04

Gadaffi's regime has fallen today. This was the sign that the time for Assad has come and he knows it. Fear is on his face and in his voice. NATO will now move from Tripoli to Damascus. Assad will not go except by the means by which he has held on, that is, military means. Time to arm the protesters and turn them into a freedom force with NATO air cover, training and organization. The Alawite military will not last long. They have been exhausted by the drawn out protests and will fall in short order.

Assad's warning to the west, is more a Freudian slip reference to himself.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (Guest) 22 August 2011, 01:12

He speaks of 5000 years of civilisation while the hariri scumbags and their lackeys try to destroy Lebanon's older civilisation.

Thumb Marc 22 August 2011, 01:14

This marks the beginning of the end of Bashar's rein of terror..... Good riddance

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 22 August 2011, 01:18

Look carefully at Libya ya Bashar. It is over now for Gadafi. Now all eyes will be on you.

It is time to make predictions. I will predict 60 days or less is all ASSad has left. He will soon face 3 outcomes for himself. Exile in Venezuela. Exile in Iran. Or the court of the new Syrian government. Oct 21 or sooner ya Bashar. Pack your bags or get your neck stretched longer that it already is.

Missing realist 22 August 2011, 01:41

what an idiot! lol.. did you see how worried he is?? He and his idiot walid M thought the Libyan war is gona drag for years.. and now in their miscalculations they think there will be no military intervention in Syria, just like they miscalculated the strength, depth and width of the revolution. Bashar, the idiot, thinks that he can cross all red lines and won't be attacked. Bashar, when the muslim bosnians were massacred Chrisitan europe/american saved them. Don't be surpised, it is only a matter of time before Turkey/Nato destroy your fourth division and the Syrian Muqawama invades your castles.

Default-user-icon it's over (Guest) 22 August 2011, 02:14

Delusion is an interesting phenomena ya Bashar just ask Moammar.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 22 August 2011, 02:28

Look to the west ya Bashar. Gadafi and his son have been captured. His government has fallen. Think deeply of your future. It won't be long now.

All of your years of threats and killing in Lebanon, meddling with the Lebanese government, holding poeple in jail without trial, sending bombers into Iraq, arming Hezbollah, and now slaughtering your population will be coming to haunt you very soon.

Default-user-icon an (Guest) 22 August 2011, 02:51

quite amount of interesting comments above, really goes to show of how hate and self righteousness blinds people of all ages and time.

maybe one day in the very distant future Assad will go, but allow me to give you a glimpse of how it will all go down supposing the rules of our current reality unfold according to how people see it and this "opposition" movement wins . supposing...

Assad is pushed to a corner most low ranking officers desert the army at this point the entire region would be at war with itslef and israel, rockets will be flying form syria , hizb, hamas and possibly iran onto israel, lebanon will burn in ashes, syria will be half burnt while the regime battles inhouse against the islamic fanatics and brotherhood alike (known as the freedom movement at present times), christians in syria will be systematiclally slaughtered, while some hide behind the remaining government forces and take up arms, villages will be pillaged and burnt, lebanese borders will seize to exist

Default-user-icon Hanna (Guest) 22 August 2011, 03:02

What irony that he made his defiance speech on the day kaddafi falls....

Default-user-icon an (Guest) 22 August 2011, 03:07

...Assad will unleash its full military might including its 35,000 strong loyal elite forces and crush the mercenairies and deserters in its own land, while 100K missiles pounding israel to kingdom come, there will be no mercy no rules all chaos, he will have the support of sunni elitists, christians and naturally alawites it'll be 50 vs 50 with iran backing their lead there will be no stopping, (if you think this is some lybia ghadafi fighting with ak - 47s and your grandmas rovers, think again..) if that clown lasted months under heavy 24/7 bombardment and civil war, this will last years with no possible certain outcome.
Tripoli is pounded to stop arms smuggling from the borders, the rest of the remaining areas will be bombarded by assassinations like fireworks, you will all be running in your underwears when all this shit is goin down.
by the time you realize what the hell just happened you might as well be 6 ft under, so i say you think real deep before posting anythin stupid.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (Guest) 22 August 2011, 03:16

Irhal Irhal ya Bashar...
The only thing that will be issued is a one way ticket to hell, with Bashar;s name on it !!
For all the suffering you have caused, specially for the souls of the Christian Lebanese youths who vanished in Syrian jails ...
Say hello to Hafez

Default-user-icon arz10452 (Guest) 22 August 2011, 03:17

Every dictator and mini-dictator will have the same fate. Those in Lebanon that aspire to the Syrian model (Nasralla, Aoun, et al) should take note. What did Gaddafi's $17 billion buy him in the end? Nada, zilch, a big fat zero. What did Saddam's $14 billion buy him? The death of his sons, his own demise. Bashar, Hassan, GMA you cannot take it with you. money is the root of all evil. love of Lebanon and your fellow country man is what will last.

Default-user-icon jabal 3amel (Guest) 22 August 2011, 03:26

you see there is no one from March 8 commenting on this. This is because the Zionist that comes here acting under various nicknames and pretends to be Lebanese people, doesn't work on Sunday. All these "pro-hezb'allah" posts are nothing but schemes from Zionist entity. like we don't know who is who here and who is from the Zionist infested hezb'allah.

Default-user-icon Le PheneChien (Guest) 22 August 2011, 04:26

Ayuha Al Sha3b Al Souri, I declare Syria a no fly zone very soon. I want to shoot the last bullet at you you bastard killer of many innocent Lebanese citizens/politicians and the massacres that your army committed in Lebanon for 30 yrs in the name of peace and one people in two countries. God is watching, we will never forgive and forget what you did to our people.
Saddam, Mubarak, Gaddafi and you are next.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (Guest) 22 August 2011, 05:17

The Syrian President said:
When they speak of reforms, Western colonialist countries mean that we must give them everything they want, that we abandon resistance, that we abandon our rights ... They shouldn't even dream of it ... We will not bow."

We should not abandon resistance ??????
What resistance are you talking about ???? Resitsance to whom....????and what ???

He also aid :
“We have made use of dialogue in order to understand what the Syrian street wants and we will then move to the phase of discussing the constitution,” said Assad.

How long does it take to understand the street.....

I think it is too late as the Syrians are now more open and mature than oppressed and saw what is happening in the Arab world..

Default-user-icon neutral (Guest) 22 August 2011, 06:09

hey Al manar did not show assads interview. yeeeeh yeh yeh. lesh hek aam besir maana? that is a big sign .. No matter what hezbo does now its too late.
nothing will stop the rath of the Siryan people. kaddafi is done . gone. to hell .
now nato is free to turn towards assad and hizbo. the Syrian and lebanese free people will rejoice soon. Like the free libyan people.

Default-user-icon John Holmes (Guest) 22 August 2011, 06:15

Deja Vu! Didn't they all say the exact same thing before fleeing for their lives? We just hope their minions in Lebanon don't try something foolish like start up a new conflict with Israel. I say that this is the plan for now. Will israel fall for it...maybe, just because bashar and before him his father were so good to them...let's wait and see.

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 22 August 2011, 07:45

If the media law will be changed before the end of Ramadan, does that mean foreign journalists will be allowed in? Who are you kidding Bashar. Your words are meaningless.

Also nobody cares about local and parliamentary elections. In a dictatorship these are meaningless.

Missing small.axe 22 August 2011, 08:20

Sounds a lot like Qaddafy's speech from yesterday, and we know how well that worked out.

Default-user-icon Rami (Guest) 22 August 2011, 08:58

1- Ben Ali
2- Mubarak
3- Ali Saleh (99% finalized)
4- Kaddafi
5- Guess who?

When such leaders reach the verge of collapse, they start talking to themselves and hallucinating, did he say during that interview that tourism was doing well in his country? lol, tourists are flocking into syria like crazy, all hotels are full...

Mr. Bashar, please proceed to exit number 5 before its too late.

Default-user-icon Paul (Guest) 22 August 2011, 10:55

I know it's a dream to all of us. But the case in syria isn't the same as libya. What interest has the US in removing assad from power? Has the golan ever clashed ? Assad is protecting israeli borders, they will not use military power to remove him. This all is a game to lead Syria into federalism. They wanna divide it to give alawite a sub country as well as the sunnis, and the kurds, and they'll give the golan to the druze, in that way, israeli border will be safe. Assad is well aware of this, and that's what he wants to protect his alawites. That's my own opinion...

Missing rudy 22 August 2011, 16:08

why dont you go ahead and join the masses and millions upon millions of supporters of the government in syria then mowaten. You like them so much, and we'd be happy to get rid of you :)

Missing rudy 22 August 2011, 16:12

As for not being an american puppet, thats the stupidest comment ever. Is it a coincidence barely a bullet was fired since israel occupied the golan in 1967, or is he just waiting for a strategic time to take back the land.

is it not remarkable at all to you that the americans waited as long as they possibly could before asking him to leave, which they wouldnt have if he hadnt crossed the line.

There is no going back, and the americans will miss him greatly, but the people have spoken

Default-user-icon jabal amel (Guest) 22 August 2011, 16:40

hey rami: your history lesson sucks.

1. pierre el gemayel and his sons / siniora - harriri
2. ben ali
3. mubarak
4. saleh
5. khadafi

learn history before you make fool of yourself

Missing rudy 22 August 2011, 16:44

So haaretz, the australian and the jewish library are reliable sources of information only when they confirm your views. any thing else they say is treason, lies and zionism?

am i getting you correctly? :)

Missing rudy 22 August 2011, 16:52

So your answer is in fact that what they say about syria and hezballa is true, but what they are saying about syria now is not. Of course it doesnt matter that TONS of VIDEO evidence supports these claims. as long as hassan says its not happening then its not

tell me this too, when protests in support of the syrian people were held in beirut, were the pro bashar nawar defending the syrian embassy from armed gangs?

or were they not the ones who were actually armed with sticks and knives and attacked peacefull protesters?

or wait maybe it didnt happen!!! yes actually nothing is happening. everything is fine in's those damned aliens playing tricks on our minds trying to fram bashar el assad

Missing rudy 22 August 2011, 16:53

those sneaky aliens!! i told them we didnt have time for this!!!

Missing rudy 22 August 2011, 17:02

P.S: If michel aoun happens to read this or any of the people who write his moronic speaches, I am claiming copyright on the aliens theory!!

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 22 August 2011, 17:34

Dellusional Criminal dictator on the verge of ouster!! Ask Gaddhafi and his "MILLION" people that will fight till the death for him in Tripoli, the Opposition practically walsed into Trpoli's formerly Green Square now Martyre's square. This has proved one thing and one thing only beyond the shadow of doubt that delusions of such kind are spurred by the many hours of self brainwashing (Denial if you may) that are cut out from the REAL outside world that are surrounded by their Yes men all day and listen to their own BS media, that they start believing the BS that they tried brainwashing their own opressed people with. Again in Gaddhafi's case it was that he predicted "Rivers of Blood to Flow" because of the fierce resistance that the Democracy freedom fighters would face by his so called "Million" civilian army that would die defending him. Which brings to memory Saddam's "information" (or Dis-information) minister Al Sahhaf that the Allies were about to be "Crushed" and "defeated". LOL

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 22 August 2011, 17:49

These Hallmark hallucinations of an about to be deposed dictator are all too familiar. The dellusional Dictator always equates himself to the country he has terrorized and robbed blind for so many years. So his survival becomes the "Country"'s survival in other words there would be no country if he is deposed. Anyone who has ever cared about his country would know that this is absolutely unthinkable much less plausible which easily negates the "assumption" that these corrupt to the bone murderous, self centered, regimes that have grown accustomed to thinking of their oppressed people as mere sheep and sacrifical lambs for slaughter which owe their very exitence to them. Of course this dellusional Genocidal 'School" of thought have died with the death of the Soviet Stalinist Empire, all these current murderous shoot-first-ask-questions-later type of dictatorhip regimes were left orphaned with their failed ideology of terror and intimidation that is not even viable in this day and age.