Geagea: Foreign Ministry Bordering on High Treason by Depriving Expats Right to Vote
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Thursday stressed that “today we are before a momentous event which is the publishing of the first part of the indictment in the murder case of ex-PM Rafik Hariri and all the martyrs of the Cedar Revolution.”
During a meeting with a delegation of Lebanese expatriates living in America, Australia, Africa, Europe and the Gulf, Geagea added: “It was really a historic day … the Lebanese people -- through a persistent struggle that cost it a lot of efforts, tears and bloodshed, especially between 2005-2009 – was able to launch the process of fulfilling justice.”
On a separate note, Geagea said “the foreign ministry did not make the necessary logistic preparations to enable all expatriates to vote, while the interior ministry has completed all the preparations in this regard.”
“This behavior by the foreign ministry borders on high treason because it contributes to depriving hundreds of thousands of Lebanese -- who send billions of dollars to their relatives in Lebanon yearly – from their right to participate in the Lebanese political life,” Geagea added.
He called on Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour to “make up for the lost time and launch an administrative, logistic process as soon as possible in order to finalize the necessary preparations for the 2013 polls within few months.”

Yes Samir go timing but too late! The Shiites have taken control of Lebanon and you just have to wait for Iran to give the green light...

bigbig, when Hariri was PM the ones blocking this were Berri's men..
December 17, 2010
Change and Reform bloc MP Nematallah Abi Nasr told the Voice of Lebanon (VOL) radio station that Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Shami and Director General of Emigrants Haitham Jamaa are against safeguarding the interests of the emigrants “and only care about emigration in Africa”
LF, Kataeb, some C&R and other independent Christian MPs all asked the FM to push for it.

This is why the Hezz/Amal always want to run the foreign ministry no matter who is in power. Letting all citizens vote would not benefit them. Especially the ones who were forced out by repression.

I agree totally with this brave, honorable man. However, this isn't a utopia we live in...the only way for expatriates to vote is to also strip the sectarian system. Both sides gets what they want and thus a true democracy exists in Lebanon, one which mirrors the systems of Europe and the US; a system which is proportional and ALL Lebanese, no matter their current place of residence have a say in there far off we are from true democracy....

bigbig next time get them to read the whole thing for you, you will sound smarter.
I also said.. LF, Kataeb, some C&R and other independent Christian MPs all asked the FM to push for it...
in fact granting Lebanese expatriates the right has been an LF issue for years Berri and as an extension Hezbollah are against it
January 23, 2010 ⋅
"In an interview with Voice of Lebanon Radio, Lebanese Forces’ MP George Adwan commented on the issue of lowering voting age by saying: “There is a parliamentary session Monday and we will participate and voice our opinion on lowering the voting age to 18 years which is related to enabling the expatriates of voting; and the two subjects are reciprocally connected.”
"Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea reiterated what his party MP George Adwan told earlier VOL and that is his party will not support lowering the voting age from 21 to 18 unless the expatriates are given their right to vote abroad

bigdig you poor poor fellow you need to find new handlers they are making look dumber the the usual today, you see the issue was brought up in cabinet and in September 2008 the Lebanese parliament approved a bill, as part of the new electoral law for 2009, allowing Lebanese expatriates to vote in the 2013 parliamentary elections, but the implementation of the law is facing barriers at the Lebanese foreign ministry.
October 10, 2010
An-Nahar newspaper reported on Sunday that according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Shami it is impossible for expatriates to participate in the 2013 parliamentary elections. Shami submitted a report on the matter to the ministers, the daily also reported, adding that this issue might cause a controversy. Al-Mustaqbal newspaper also reported on Sunday that according to Shami’s report, expatriates’ participation is impossible due to logistics and communication issues..."
Christian MPs from the FPM, LF, Kataeb, Future are still pushing for it.

Hold your horses guys...It's Dr Green Thumb his black past wipe out his credibility....So why bother arguing?

Wait 10 years or less, and the law allowing expatriates to vote will be approved and even welcomed because time arranges things well :)
What do they know other than that?
Soon Lebanon will be similar to his surroundings.... at the top of the cultural and democratic practices.