Al-Sayyed Urges STL to Bring False Witnesses to Court to Gain Credibility

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Former General Jamil al-Sayyed refused to comment on the indictment that was published by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon probing the assassination of ex-Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“This indictment only received dull comments, despite the desperate attempts by al-Mustaqbal movement media to provoke people,” he said on Thursday in a statement published by his press office.

The STL published on Wednesday the indictment after it said there was enough evidence to try four Hizbullah members in the murder of Hariri.

Al-Sayyed said: “There was no reaction from the Arab nations or the international community (on the indictment).”

The statement said that he referred this Lebanese, Arabic and international negligence “because the tribunal lost its credibility after the false witnesses conspiracy” that former PM Saad Hariri made in coordination with the international community to accuse Syria and the four former Lebanese officers to win the elections and control the state.”

Al-Sayyed added that Hariri should’ve convinced the public that the tribunal is credible instead of attacking Hizbullah Chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

“What ensures that the accusations and arrests (if made) were not aimed at hitting the resistance just like the accusation against the four officers was a way to hit the Lebanese state and Syria and the opposition back then,” the statement said.

Al-Sayyed stressed: “The international tribunal will not regain its credibility unless the Lebanese, Arabs and the world see that it tries the false witnesses and their accomplices, and detains” former chief U.N. investigator Detlev Mehlis, General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza, State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr, Magistrate Elias Eid, officers Ashraf Rifi and al-Hassan and Mehlis’ aide Gerhard Lehmann.

Comments 16
Default-user-icon Sofradi (Guest) 18 August 2011, 14:53

With or without bringing false witnesses to trial, the STL remains the most pathetic and lame farce.

Default-user-icon may 7 (Guest) 18 August 2011, 15:00

Who cares what Al- Sayyed the king syrian Bootlicker has to say.
i place all his comments on the Bird cage floor

Thumb shab 18 August 2011, 15:13

Who listens to you?

Missing small.axe 18 August 2011, 15:19

Put a sock in in Al Sayyad. Your name will be listed on the next indictment.

Default-user-icon reaper (Guest) 18 August 2011, 15:31

i wish this guy would just go away ......

Default-user-icon hahaha (Guest) 18 August 2011, 15:43

@ small.axe: That's his whole point for coming and talking all the time; so when they name him again he will end up saying that they are accusing him because he is making too much noise. He is creating his alibi

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 18 August 2011, 15:52

The most venimous cobra the ISF has ever seen. The most cretive mind too. The only guy who could sue himself, which is what he did when a kuwaiti newspaper mentioned hos name a few days after Hariri assassination as having plotted in Akkar with Assef Chawkat the murder of Hariri, a few months earlier. Thanks to Bellemare, he's free today but we don't know for how long. In the meantime since he sued himself he can also acquit himself too!

Default-user-icon Gabby (Guest) 18 August 2011, 17:01

Yes bring Nasrallah to the court for providing false evidence to the court, while legitimizing it. Remember his fake airplane video???

Default-user-icon watani (Guest) 18 August 2011, 18:15

Sorry mowaten he spent four years in prison not because of the STL but because of a law he rammed through parliament where a suspect can be detained indefinitely and without accusations until a trial date is set. He used it to arrest and jail (and torture) Christian anti Syrian activists, the STL's law got him out. The Fateh Islam suspects in jail for five years are there also as a result of that law and as in his case without accusations, unlike Omar Bakir they don't have a Nasrallah sugar daddy to get them out.

Default-user-icon justice (Guest) 18 August 2011, 18:45

"detains” former chief U.N. investigator Detlev Mehlis, General Prosecutor Saeed Mirza, State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr, Magistrate Elias Eid, officers Ashraf Rifi and al-Hassan and Mehlis’ aide Gerhard Lehmann."

funny now he wants others to go to jail before trial, good one jamil.

Default-user-icon MrBrain1 (Guest) 18 August 2011, 19:15

Mr Sayed was wrongly accused he has all right to attack the STL....can anyone argue?

Default-user-icon watani (Guest) 18 August 2011, 19:55

Mr Sayed was jailed because he was suspected of conspiring with those who committed the bombing, he was a suspect because he ordered the clean up of the seine of the bombing in order to destroy evidence and jailed according to a Lebanese law he rammed through parliament. Can anyone argue that he used this same law to arrest, jail and torture Christian anti Syrian activists when he was in charge. Two wrongs don't make a right but Mr Sayed should do what the people he wronged did and get over it justice is not his private domain.

Default-user-icon watani (Guest) 18 August 2011, 23:30

@bigdig, you seem to have forgotten that Rafic Hariri never had the majority in Parliament that's why the Syrians were able to topple his governments at will to show him who's boss and replace him with Hoss and Karame. The majority was a Syrian majority, consisting of what are now March 8, and whenever they were cross with Hariri they used it to replace him, when he was on their good side he was also part of the majority, that majority including all the boys of March 8 approved Solidere, the Parliament's job was to oversee the spending but Berri et al in M8 were busy helping,
Jamil Sayyed as Surete Generale chief was from 1998 on charged with enforcing Pax Syriana by any means necessary. Sayyed was the Syrian fist Addoum used to dispense Syrian justice passing laws as they wished.
A little fact to jog your memory when the MTV was closed in 2002 by Adoum's law and Sayyed's thugs the demo supporting it had members of the Qornet Chehwan gathering, the PSP and the Future movement.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 19 August 2011, 00:44

Minister Najjear published a professional report on this question. End of strory. Any false witnesses should there be some, should not divert or take preeminence over what the core case is. Number one whatever a witness says, false or not, is cross checked a ultiple times to establish its likeliness. Number two , only the judge is able to assess how much a false witness statement is able to bend the inquest in another direction. Number three, you have to wait for the end of a trial before you can assess what the value of a testimony brings. An this is not a linear process. Killers may sometimes admit in writing to a crime, and retract several times back and forth in the course of a prosecution their statements. This pattern is perfectly common, and does not undermine in any way the credibility of the process. So a suspect that has been released on the basis of some testimony, could prefectly be implicated in the trial subsequently arrested and indicted.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 19 August 2011, 01:01

Number three, even assuming a person has sufferd personal prejudice and was unjustly arrested for a period of time, its case does not take precedence over the main case, but constitue a different one. Everyone has heard of cases, under some of the supposedly best jurisdictions, where by someone is convicted for a murder, with the case haing been closed for a while, and then 10, 15 years later, some new forensic technology (such as ADN for instance) or new material element leads to the real crime perpetrators.The process is never perfect. This man who is a lawyer, knows it perfectly well. And he knows this tribunal has got more credibility anyway than the one he is resorting to in Syria, where so many people rot in prison without trial , or have seen themselves convicted over crimes 100pct made up by the special services, and then submitted to a massively politicized judiciary. So he should be thankful he hasn' t been kept in Roumieh until the end of the judicial process of the STL!

Default-user-icon MrBrain1 (Guest) 19 August 2011, 08:43

Excuse me ....During investigation Holding suspect in custody is normal..Jailing ‘suspects” for four years without justification is abnormal..But again this subject is taking a sectarian dimension and some Lebanese Sectarian Monkeys are still defending the purely political and unjustified stance..