Geagea, Gemayel Meet Abbas, Stress Need to Establish Palestinian State
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةLebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed on Wednesday the Palestinian people’s right to return to their homeland, which is a position shared by the Lebanese state and Palestinian Authority.
He made his statement after holding talks with visiting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.
Asked about Lebanon’s position at the United Nations on the establishment of a Palestinian state, Geagea said: “Lebanon will be leading the charge in approving this matter.”
Earlier on Wednesday, Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel also held talks with Abbas on Lebanese-Palestinian ties and resolving disputes between the two sides, which the former said can be settled through the establishment of a Lebanese-Palestinian committee.
“The details of the disputes should be addressed in an atmosphere of mutual trust, which would help lessen fears between the two sides,” he remarked.
The problems Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority are suffering from require the support of the international community and United Nations, he added.
He stressed: “We are completely committed to the goals of the Palestinian Authority during this troubling time seeing as it is taking tangible steps towards the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state.”
“This is also a Lebanese demand, which enjoys consensus among all sides,” Gemayel noted.

And how Mr Green Thumb can support the idea of sending back the Palestinian to their home?
Such announcement has no credibility at all

The " right of return" has been and still is an easy way out for all politicians from facing the reality of the refugee situation.
Instead of having the courage to ask the rich Arab countries to at least provide emigrant work visas for all able palestinian refugees in a plan that would include their later integration with their families in these arab countries, they all keep repeating the empty words of "the right of return".
The miserable conditions in which the palestinians live are caused by the six decades of waiting for this false promise to be realized. Why don't they make them have a btter life and then if they could return one day they will net return as beggars.

To Mansour
Allow me to say that your comment is out of line. The Palestinians are people whose country was robbed from them. I consider this as one the most unfair act done in recent times. It is their absolute right to have a state just like we, Lebanese, are striving to preserve and strenghten our country and its state institutions. True the Palestinians were a major destabilizing factor in Lebanese society and were the main cause of our tragic civil war. But, we need to turn the page and look for a brighter future. I do hope that many Lebaneseand Palestinians share my view will agree with me.

To Mansour
Allow me to say that your comment is out of line. The Palestinians are people whose country was robbed from them. I consider this as one the most unfair act done in recent times. It is their absolute right to have a state just like we, Lebanese, are striving to preserve and strenghten our country and its state institutions. True the Palestinians were a major destabilizing factor in Lebanese society and were the main cause of our tragic civil war. But, we need to turn the page and look for a brighter future. I do hope that many Lebaneseand Palestinians share my view will agree with me.

Coolmec your out of line those grubs lost there land cause a majority of them sold there lands and when the realized what happened was to late, so they tired to get there land back by force. Atleast you
Admit those grubs were the cause of lebanons problem which now continues under Syria who I hope has a outcome 1000 times worse than what we Lebanese went thru.thank you

Abbas to Geagea and Gemayel: thank you for the massacres because I have no place to put all the Palestinians.
Gemayel and Geagea to Abbas: Oh, Abby, you are most welcome. Whatever the Israelis cannot do to make it easy on you, we will do. Just tell us when.
And then they hugged and kissed like nothing had ever happened. Palestinians, REJOICE.